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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022 11:07 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Manchester Evening News praises the cultural wonders of the North:
In the world of music, we have historic, musical talent factories in Chetham's and the Royal Northern. The North has produced and nurtured so many iconic and eclectic talents in the arts - from writers like the Brontë sisters and Burgess, to conductors like Sir John Barbirolli; actors including Ian McKellen, comediennes like Victoria Wood and Caroline Aherne; artists like David Hockney, directors Ridley Scott and Danny Boyle, opera's own Janet Baker. (Jenna Campbell)
The Mary Sue ranks the best movie soundtracks "of all time" (really meaning of the last twenty years):
11. Jane Eyre (2011)
Cary Fukunaga’s rendition of Jane Eyre managed to do away with the dull standards of period-pieces and bring the book’s inherent sensuality to the forefront. This was in large part due to the score, arranged by Dario Marianelli and featuring Jack Liebeck, which was pensive, moody, and even a little sultry–all features that were essential to a modern retelling of Jane Eyre.
That said, it does merit a lower ranking due to the fact that it reuses its central motif a little too often. The motif is gorgeous, and its re-usage lends a sort of dream-like quality to the film, but as far as soundtracks go, it just isn’t original enough for a higher ranking. (Madeline Carpou)
The filmography of Dara Singh in Daiji World:
Amid this, he also drifted into films, debuting with a cameo in no less than Dilip Kumar-Madhubala's "Jane Eyre" inspired "Sangdil" and was then seen as a wrestler in the Kishore Kumar-Vyjanthimala starrer "Pehli Jhalak" (1954). However, after this, there was a lull and it was only in the 1960s that he made his mark in the industry. (Vikas Datta)
A Little Bit Human lists the best NC-17 films:
4. Wide Sargasso Sea (1993)
Based on a novel of the same name, Wide Sargasso Sea (1993) is a movie about Antoinette Cosway, a West Indian creole heiress who owns a ton of land in Jamaica. The abolition of slavery plunges her family’s estate into poverty as the sugar plantation isn’t able to cope with its operation costs. She later marries Mr. Rochester (yes, the same one from Jane Eyre) to ease the costs but the two deeply distrust each other as Mr. Rochester looks down on her for having non-white heritage. (Allia Luzong)
Quotidiano dei Contribuenti (Italy) publishes a biographical account of Charlotte Brontë:
La vita nelle brughiere del nord dell’Inghilterra non era semplice. Pioggia, nebbia, freddo e tisi. Charlotte aveva perso la mamma ad appena cinque anni, le due sorelle maggiori pochi anni più tardi. Del resto, il giardino sul retro della canonica anglicana, dove viveva in quanto figlia del pastore di Haworth, era un cimitero, estremo giaciglio per le anime dei defunti del piccolo villaggio e quotidiano memento della precarietà umana. Tutto attorno, un paesaggio suggestivo, sì, ma desolato. (Read more) (Paola Gaudio) (Translation)
GameRant has another list of games with 'totally missable' romances:
That being said, [Assassins's Creed} Odyssey's flings get to the crux of the problematic portrayal of romance in gaming, it's so damn transactional. Bring an NPC enough legendary animal pelts and sparks will fly, collect some flowers for a Blacksmith and they'll dote over the player. It's not exactly Jane Eyre. Romance simply doesn't work this way in real-life. To gamify love runs the risk of reducing the intricacy of human relationships. (Cameron Tricker)
Refinery29 (Germany) and a list of classics including:
Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre begleitet die gleichnamige Protagonistin von der Kindheit bis ins Erwachsenenalter, das schließt auch ihre spätere Liebe zu Mr. Rochester mit ein. Er ist der Gutsherr von Thornfield Hall, wo Jane als Pflegerin für sein Mündel Adèle arbeitet. Der Roman gilt aufgrund von Janes Unabhängigkeit und Brontës Umgang mit Sexualität und Feminismus als seiner Zeit voraus. (Eilish Gilligan and Stephanie Alvarez)
Die Tagespost (Germany) talks about Taylor Swift's latest album:
Wie wird es für Taylor Swift weitergehen? Der Aufstieg vom Popstar zur ernstzunehmenden Künstlerin war Swift bereits 2020 mit ihren Alben „folklore“ und „evermore“ gelungen. Auf diesen Indie-Alben schildert sie die Schicksale von historischen Persönlichkeiten wie auch von fiktiven Personen. Darin flicht sie unaufdringlich Zitate von Autorinnen und Dichtern wie den Brontë -Schwestern oder dem US-Dichter Miller Williams mit ein. (Sally-Jo Durney) (Translation)
CinePop (Brazil) and Queer (Germany) comment on the trailer of Emily and Expressen (Sweden) mentions the premiere of the film in Sweden next week. Charlotte Brontë quotes in the Jackson Progress-Argus and Parade. RP Online (Germany) talks about Mithu Sanya'ls Emily Brontë


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