W&H: Describe the film for us in your own words.
FO: In the depths of Yorkshire, a young, reclusive artist struggles to become her true self, finally triumphing over destructive forces to create her masterpiece.
W&H: What drew you to this story?
FO: Emily Bronte has always been a touchstone for me in my life. She was someone who was so authentically herself and I wanted to tell a story that would bring her into consciousness for young women now.
W&H: What do you want people to think about after they watch the film?
FO: They can think whatever they want to! Maybe simply, it’s okay to just be yourself, whoever that is.
W&H: What was the biggest challenge in making the film?
FO: Negotiating the remote locations on the Yorkshire dales through adverse weather conditions, which was physically demanding for the cast and crew, and time was limited.
And also the edit, as I was learning this process for the first time and it’s a steep learning curve, but through all the challenges, I still loved every minute of it. (Laura Berger)
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