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Saturday, August 20, 2022

A campaign is underway to safeguard the future of the birthplace of the Brontë sisters.
The steering group behind the campaign said the current owner of the property intends to sell the premises but would prefer it to be transferred into community ownership if funding for the sale price can be found within six months. (...)
The group said: “The use and refurbishment of the Brontë birthplace would add significantly to the attractiveness of Market Street to current businesses and as a place to open a new business, adding to recent ventures such as Thornton Furnishings and The Apothecary Gallery.
“For visitors and local people, it will add another dimension to the story of the Brontë family in the Bradford district, showing their early lives and building connections between the birthplace and the Brontë Bell Chapel both in Thornton, and the Bronte Parsonage in Haworth where they grew up. (...)
The group added: “We will open a café/small restaurant/events space downstairs, expanding slightly the scope and size of the current café.
“Upstairs the rooms will be decorated in the style of furnishings at the time of the Brontës.
“We aim to work closely with the Brontë Parsonage Museum, taking guidance from them to create a full Brontë experience. 
“The rooms will be let via Air B&B, offering experiential nights for national and international tourists some of whom may enjoy starting their journey at the birthplace and taking one of the four Brontë walking routes, experiencing the moors and fells that inspired the Brontë novels as they travel from Thornton to the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth. (Felicity Macnamara)
Austin Bukenya writes in Nation (Kenya)
“Return to your books.” This is a piece of advice given, dismissively, by one character to another in Emily Brontë’s novel, Wuthering Heights.
Catherine, a sickly and neglected wife, says this to Edgar, her nerdy husband, to signal the end of their relationship.
I, however, thought I should return to my books in the light of the amazing events unfolding around me.
Página 12 (Argentina) vindicates the writer Libertad Demitrópulos:
Entre 1995 y 1998, tuvo a su cargo una página del suplemento cultural del diario jujeño Pregón, “La ventana”, desde donde recomendaba eventos culturales, libros y sobre todo autoras, a partir de cuyas obras reflexionaba sobre las dificultades que atravesaron por ser mujeres; entre otras, según menciona Florencia Abbate en un texto especialmente elaborado para el evento del domingo en el CCK “escribe sobre Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Juana Manso, Juana Manuela Gorriti, Alfonsina Storni, Delmira Agustini, Alejandra Pizarnik, Victoria Ocampo, Safo, Emily Bronte, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Wislawa Szymborska, menciona a Elba de Loizaga y Gloria Ghisalberti (dos olvidadas poetas argentinas, que se suicidaron) y analiza y elogia las obras de dos narradoras del Norte, Liliana Bellone (de Salta) y Carmela Ricotti (de Jujuy), revelando lo bien que conocía y cuánto se interesaba por una literatura regional que no era leída en Buenos Aires”. Un libro de la investigadora jujeña Herminia Terrón recupera esos artículos, llenos de apuntes de lecturas: un material desconocido casi por completo hasta hoy. (Mariana Carbajal) (Translation)
The author Lucy Caldwell mentions how she was called one of the 'Brontë sisters of Belfast' in the Wysokieobcasy. magazine (Poland). 

Are we still convinced that literature saves us? in Il Foglio (Italy):
E cosa c’entra con la Letteratura? C’entra nella misura in cui personalità come Mary Wollstonecraft e Charlotte Brontë furono danneggiate dal pubblico che le accusò, in sostanza, di “sentire” troppo: a loro è idealmente preclusa la via della Parola, che passa attraverso la creatività e l’urgenza del pensiero; pena, la negazione di una vita degna e riconosciuta come tale dalla società. (...)
Diverso è il caso di Charlotte Brontë, e forse ancora più grave. Qui non v’è giudizio di moralità, ma d’intelletto. “La letteratura non può essere la prima occupazione della vita di una donna”, le scrive il poeta Robert Southey quando lei gli chiese consiglio. “Più una donna è impegnata nell’adempimento dei propri doveri, meno tempo avrà per coltivarla, sia come occupazione che come svago”. La disperazione di Brontë, che tratteneva in sé il miglior genio letterario del suo secolo, era sfociata dunque in lettere di supplica non appena intravide la possibilità di affidarsi a qualcuno che lavorasse con lei sui suoi scritti – pubblicati, in ogni caso, con lo pseudonimo maschile Currer Bell, poiché “a una donna rispettabile non si addice il mestiere di scrittore”. (Giulia Ciarapica) (Translation)

El Comercio (Spain) reports how the company El Desván de los Deseos with their La Senda que deja el aire production has been selected to enter a theatre competition in Málaga:

'La senda que deja el aire', montaje teatral de la compañía asturiana El Desván de los Deseos, ha sido seleccionado como finalista en el V Certamen de Teatro Villa de Frigiliana, en Málaga, al que solo acceden tres propuestas que han sido elegidas entre un total 67 provenientes de todas las geografías españolas. (...)  Dirigida por Jorge Moreno y con Verónica Gutiérrez y Cristina Pérez como protagonistas, presenta como un rendido tributo a los inmortales personajes de Jane Eyre y Bertha Mason, que nacen de la imaginación de Charlotte Brontë y Jean Rhys. (M.F.A.) (Translation)
Ouest-France talks about the publisher Isabelle Laffont: 
La bibliothèque familiale généreuserestait en revanche  à portée curiosité des enfants et Isabelle garde l'empreinte d'une enfance marquée par ses lectures fiévreuses des sœurs Brontë ou de Jane Austen. (Frédérique Brehaut) (Translation)
Onedio (Turkey) lists films that are better than you would expect (whatever that could mean):
Jane Eyre (2011)
10 yaşındayken anne ve babasını kaybetmesi üzerine öksüz kalan kötü bir çocukluk dönemi geçiren Jane'i halası yatılı bir okula gönderir. Jane, 10 yıl boyunca bu yatılı okulda kalır sonrasında bu okulda öğretmenlik yapmaya başlar. Jane bir gün Edward Rochester malikanesine gider ve burada mürebbiye olarak çalışmaya başlar. Malikanede Bay Rochester ile aralında önce bir dostluk ardından da aşk başlar. Erkek egemen bir toplumda kadın olarak ayakta durmaya çalışan Jane bir yandan da aşkı ve aşık olduğu adamın sırları ile uğraşır. (Rana Önder) (Translation)
El Español (Spain) reviews Not in Front of the Servants by Frank Victor Dawes:
Durante más de un siglo, la literatura inglesa había estado habitada por altivos ayudas de cámara, al estilo de Jeeves y Crichton; por mademoiselle Hortense, la siniestra doncella francesa de Casa desolada, y por las oprimidas institutrices de la juventud de Charlotte Brontë”. (Pedro Antonio López Gayarre) (Translation) 

Beacon Broadside discovers a Brontëite among their staff. 


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