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Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Wednesday, August 03, 2022 7:02 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
 The Yorkshire Post reports how
Brimham Rocks, Ingleton Falls, Roseberry Topping and Bronte Waterfalls [have been] named some of the best walking routes in the UK (...)
Google searches for ‘hiking in the UK’ has increased by 80 per cent in the last month and as a result, the sustainable backpack and accessories brand Millican has gathered data from hashtags and video viewing numbers on Instagram and TikTok to announce the top 50 best walking trails in the UK. (...)
Ingleton Waterfalls Trail came in 26th place and the stunning Bronte Waterfalls in Haworth came in 33rd place. (Liana Jacob)
Gizmodo lists the upcoming horror, S/F, and fantasy books: 
Reluctant Immortals by Gwendolyn Kiste
This tale imagines that Dracula’s Lucy Westenra and Jane Eyre’s Bertha Mason — immortal BFFs — get their chance to confront Dracula and Mr. Rochester against the backdrop of 1967 San Francisco. (August 23) (Cheryl Eddy)
Historic UK and hysterical Victorian women:
There was a significant amount of hysteria circulating fictional women as much as there were real ones, too. Depictions appeared visually in a number of paintings, including several interpretations of Shakespeare’s Ophelia – a famous character known for her madness and suicide – along with characters in novels of the period, most Notably Bertha Rochester of Jane Eyre and The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins to name a few. The real and imagined presence of female madness plagued society’s hive mind, convincing the great thinkers of the time and lower classes alike that these causes of insanity were in fact legitimate. It also added an innate sexual nature over the illness, displaying these women in a strangely romantic yet vulnerable light. (Kiera Boyle)
The Times Herald and attics:
Attics have figured in any number of real and fictional narratives – from Anne Frank’s “The Diary of a Young Girl” to Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” and Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” – and yielded everything from priceless art and treasure maps to mummified body parts. (M. English)
Reader's Digest makes a list of Dark Academia books:
 18. Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
This 2020 bestseller, which the New York Times lauded as “Lovecraft meets the Brontës in Latin America,” is an instant classic that’s being made into a Hulu TV series. Set in 1950s Mexico, Latinx author Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s Mexican Gothic centers on fiercely independent Noemí Taboada, who’s tasked with saving a cousin who is being poisoned and held against her will in the family mansion. Gothic horror with a twist (the book pulls in elements of feminist fiction and dark academia), the thriller is, as NPR noted,  “an inspired mash-up of Jane Eyre, The Mysteries of Udolpho, Dracula, Rebecca and The Blob.” (Robyn Moreno)
Film Daily interviews the writer Francesca Lia Block:
Frankie Stein: Who were your biggest literary influences growing up?
F.L.B.: First it was poetry. Dickinson, Plath, Sexton, Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, then the Modernists, especially H.D. After that it was magical realist authors like Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende. I hadn’t realized it but most of my favorite novels from my early life are considered Gothic: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, the work of Shirley Jackson. 
Book & Film Globe reviews The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean:
 It would make no sense to combine a vampire lesbian Wuthering Heights with a gothic princess fairy tale. Certainly, no writer should ever aim to add all those things into a speculative fiction novel where the central six “Families” (who  a divine—or alien—“Collector” may have placed on Earth) consume only books for nourishment. Somehow, though, Sunyi Dean gets away with this, and more, in The Book Eaters.
Jesus.de (Germany) presents the Protestant-O-Mat and Charlotte Brontë is on it:
Die Macher haben dafür 16 Persönlichkeiten ausgewählt, die die evangelische Kirche mit ihren Themen besonders geprägt haben. Mit dabei sind unter anderem Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Katharina von Bora, Philipp Jacob Spener, Charlotte Brontë, Elisabeth Schwarzhaupt, Johann Hinrich Wichern, Richard von Weizsäcker und Martin Luther King.
Link: Lust herauszufinden, wem du ähnlich bist? Hier geht es zum Protestant-O-Mat (Translation)
Junkee, The Independent, RTBF, Igormiranda, Il Manifesto, Mancunion, Edinburgh News, The Irish Post, Frankfurter Allgemeine... still cover the Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever. Repeater Books talks about Kate Bush:
Today, Kate Bush is a genius no-one contests, but what was the oddness of the woman’s first appearance on TV, and the even greater strangeness of her success as a pop star? When, in the Wuthering Heights video, that figure first appeared — a slash of red in the forest, a warning flash in its eyes — it was the visual equivalent of a shriek over jarring chords. The smashing effect of that encounter — still alarming, not yet normalized — has yet to be matched in popular music. Part of the mystery was the way that the initial shock eased into an insistently catchy refrain (“It’s me, I’m Ca-thy”). The segue to a hip-swinging, if unconventional, chorus was a sign of this apparition making itself at home, treating all of its newness — its musical innovation, stark look and specific references – as a given. (Lesley Chow)

A quote from Emily Brontë in this list of love quotes on CincoNoticias.


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