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Sunday, August 07, 2022

Sunday, August 07, 2022 10:57 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
ScreenRant lists quotes from Rachel in Friends:
"That Was Pretty Obvious."
Rachel Steals Phoebe's Literary Criticism In Season 5
In the season 5 episode The One with Ross's Sandwich, Phoebe and Rachel go to a literature class together, and when Phoebe shares a smart take on Wuthering Heights, Rachel steals her words to impress the teacher. When Rachel is in the wrong, she will often shut people down.
Instead of apologizing to Phoebe and admitting that she was wrong, Rachel doubles down, pretending that anyone would know how to interpret the book in that way. Rachel's ability to believe that she is always right is both hilarious and frustrating. (Aya Tsintziras)
The Dalton Daily Citizen interviews the local patron, Christie Mitchum:
Q: What is your favorite book of all time?
C.M.: Oh my goodness, there are so many! Of course, I love “Pride and Prejudice” and “Wuthering Heights.” I also love The Tradd Street books by Karen White. This series features the character Melanie Middleton who inherits an historic home with ghosts, in Charleston, South Carolina.
Jot Down (Spain) interviews the writer María Dueñas:
Sargento Margaret: Hay quien dice que para escribir una buena novela hay que tener experiencia, que no se puede escribir una novela buena siendo muy joven. También se afirma que, a partir de los cincuenta, un autor ya ha perdido toda su gracia para escribir. ¿En qué quedamos?
M.D.: A juzgar por lo que leemos y tenemos alrededor, creo que ninguna de las dos premisas es cierta. Hay escritores con muy poca experiencia vital que han escrito cosas maravillosas. Las hermanas Brontë, por ejemplo. Y autores que después de los cincuenta han escrito sus mejores obras.  (Translation)
We don't think this comment by the writer Ana Luisa Amaral in Expresso (Portugal) is very accurate, although we see the point:
Raquel Mariño: E essas reservas todas deviam-se a quê?
A.L.A.: Não sabemos. Bom, acho que por um lado há todo um contexto social, cultural, histórico, digamos assim, que de alguma forma propicia este tipo de comportamento das mulheres, não é? Se pensar nas Brontë, nas irmãs Bronte, também não saíam de casa. (Translation)
¡Hola! (Spain) talks about Kate Bush and mentions how
En 1979 consiguió este logro con el tema Wuthering Heights que en España sí conocemos bien, y más sí recordamos las campañas de publicidad que utilizaban este tema en su fondo musical en 1991. (David Navarro) (Translation)

They mean this 1991 advertisement from Ô de Lancôme.

A quote from Charlotte Brontë in this First Post celebration of the National Sisters Day. TV2000 (Italy) broadcasts tonight Jane Eyre 1996 (21.30h)


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