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Monday, August 01, 2022

Monday, August 01, 2022 9:16 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Happy Yorkshire day! The Yorkshire Post recommends the 'Best movies set in Yorkshire according to people who live in the region' and one of them is
8 - Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1992)
The wild Yorkshire moors were filmed around Malham Cove, north of Skipton. (Liana Jacob)
The National Theatre production of Jane Eyre is one of The Guardian's recommendations for streaming this month.
Jane Eyre
“I was struck by her spirit and strong will, her peculiar and brilliant mind. She lashes out against anything that prevents her from being herself. I just thought: wow, I’d love to be someone like that!” That’s what visionary director Sally Cookson felt when she read Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre – and her stunning staging of the novel boasts a similarly inspiring lead performance by Madeleine Worrall. Bristol Old Vic and the National Theatre’s co-production has been added to the catalogue of NT at Home. (Chris Wiegand)
CNN discusses 'Why Regency romance still reigns, 200 years after Jane Austen'.
The first, and most obvious answer, is one of heritage. Regency romances are popular because the Regency period was when the romance novel became popular. "Pride and Prejudice," a titan of the genre, was first published in 1813. Works by Austen, the Brontë sisters and Georgette Heyer, who helped solidify the historical romance genre in the 1900s, are still highly influential to newer historical romance works and to pop culture at large. (AJ Willingham)
While Metro features season 2 of Sanditon.
Calling fellow brusque literary hero who hires a governess, Charlotte Brontë’s Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre, a ‘very good reference’, [actor Ben Lloyd-Hughes], 34, told Metro.co.uk and other press: ‘It was one that was referenced to me when I got the part, but I think what’s great about Colbourne is that he feels like a kind of megamix of all the best bits and worst bits of a Jane Austen leading man.
‘I relished the chance to play a character like that because, ultimately, he has shades of Rochester and lots of different characters where you’re not sure necessarily – there’s a kind of a double edge of what’s going on on the surface and what’s going on behind the eyes. And Rochester certainly has that, like a lot of different Jane Austen characters do too.’ (Tori Brazier)
The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever on Daily Mail, The Independent, Edinburgh News, The Irish PostDublin Live, SVT (Sweden), Channel24 (Australia), Scroll.in (India), Danas (Serbia), Hitdossier (Netherlands), Lublin Today (Poland)...

Emily Brontë's 204th birthday on AnneBrontë.org.


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