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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Saturday, July 30, 2022 9:40 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments

On the day that we celebrate the 204th anniversary of Emily Brontë's birth:

The Washington Post reimagines classics as Marvel comics:
Given Marvel’s continuing rampage across the culture, I think we had better gird our loins for the next logical stage of evolution, which is when Penguin Classics, too, will become Marvel movies. Here is how I think that would go.
Jane Eyre: Mr. Rochester is very conventionally attractive, with washboard abs that require him to work out every day for six hours in a complicated way and eat only eggs. He and Jane have no chemistry whatsoever. Confusingly, the film seems to think his decision to lock his wife in the attic was justified because he was going through a lot. (Alexandra Petri)
The Hindustan Times reviews Handle by Care by Shreya Sen-Handley:
From Baskerville Hall to the village where the Brontës lived, Shreya Sen Handley’s travel stories, prompted by her love for literature, take your breath away. (...)
In the pretty village of Haworth, where the Brontës - Emily, Charlotte, Anne and their brother Branwell – spent much of their lives, Sen-Handley can feel their presence: “They would likely have dropped into the same upbeat bakery, the same cheerful post office, and the park full of flowers in full bloom on their daily rounds.” (Lamat R. Hasan)
The Morning Thread column on the Daily Kos is about The Last Romantic:
I don’t consider myself a romantic—at all—despite my life-long admiration for those that are. I’ve read countless texts about romance: from Greek to Roman, through Elizabethan, Victorian and the classics. I devoured the likes of Samuel Richardson, Austen, and Brontë. (P. Carey)
The best July audiobooks according to Booktrib include:
What Souls Are Made of: A Wuthering Heights Remix (Remixed Classics, Book 4)
by Tasha Suri | Read by Alex Williams, Becca Hirani
[Macmillan Audio | 8.25 hrs.]
AudioFile Earphones Award
Alex Williams and Becca Hirani give impassioned performances in a captivating retelling of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. A dark-skinned “boy from nowhere,” Heathcliff, flees the Heights after overhearing Cathy say he’s too lowborn to marry her. Williams embodies Heathcliff’s hurt and anger as he fights to forge his own life in Liverpool. Cathy feels endless guilt, and Hirani channels the character’s desperation to escape her obligations and the past that haunts her family. The narrators’ lyrical accents add to the rich atmosphere of the novel. Suri’s adaptation explores the story of these two teenagers who are desperately in love, while also underscoring the impact of British colonization. A powerful story beautifully told, highly recommended on audio.
Consequences of Sound publishes a top ten of Kate Bush's songs (is a recycled 2014 article):
1.  Wuthering Heights 
Kate Bush was just 19 when her Emily Brontë-inspired debut single displaced Abba’s “Take a Chance on Me” as the UK’s No. 1 in February 1978. According to the singer, the initial spark for the song came from catching the end of a film adaptation of Brontë’s classic on TV some years earlier. The idea clearly stuck with Bush, who oddly was known as Cathy as a child, but she didn’t translate it into a song for some time. When she came to record her debut album, The Kick Inside, Bush had around 50 songs to choose from, but “Wuthering Heights” was not among them. She wrote it in “a night and a half” prior to recording the album with a full moon to guide her.
MusikExpress (Germany) has a top five:
Die Soprano-Stimme, das rote Kleid und Emily Brontë. „Wuthering Heights“ ist ikonisch. Das Lied war die erste Single von Kate Bush und zeigte sofort, wofür die erst 18-Jährige stand. Surreale Bilder und Literatur-Anspielungen.
Die Britin wurde inspiriert, als sie die TV-Adaption des Romans „Sturmhöhe“ (Anm: dt. Übersetzung von Wuthering Heights) von Emily Brontë im Fernsehen gesehen hatte. Im gleichnamigen Lied singt Bush aus der Sichtweise von Catherine Earnshaw, die ihren Liebhaber Healthcliff bittet, sie in sein Zimmer zu lassen. (Lukas Rein) (Translation)
De Standaard (Belgium) reviews Het lied van ooievaar en dromedaris Anjet Daanje:
Eliza May Drayden heeft een schuilnaam maar is zelf eigenlijk ook weer een schuilnaam, zoals velen in dit boek iemand anders lijken te zijn. Daanje heeft Eliza’s levensloop namelijk geënt op Emily Brontë, de middelste en meest uitzonderlijke – hoewel? Ook dat staat op losse schroeven na deze roman –  van de drie zusjes Brontë, die de literatuur in de negentiende eeuw op haar kop zetten met boeken die nog steeds gelezen en verfilmd worden. (...)
Symbiose, verterende liefdesverlangens, huwelijken en overlijdens, de onvermijdelijke aankondiging van de dood met een rinkelend belletje: Daanje’s roman laat de lezer diep de negentiende eeuw induiken. Ze bootst de wat afstandelijke, alwetende schrijfstijl van de Brontës verbluffend eigenzinnig na. (Maria Vlaar) (Translation)
 Claudia (Brazil) is fascinated by The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever:
Em 2022, acontece no dia 30, quando Kate completa 64 anos. É o “Wuthering Heights Day”, ou “O Dia do Morro dos Ventos Uivantes”. A cara da cantora! A essa altura, se a leitora não for da Geração X – por isso lembra do impacto de quando ouvimos Kate Bush pela primeira vez – já fez uma pesquisa e sabe que ela estourou aos 17 anos, com uma canção soturna, um timbre de voz bizarro e uma coreografia estranha. No Brasil, a canção “Wuthering Heights” foi usada em uma campanha de cigarro, quando não apenas era permitido, como cool. Outra história, claro. (Ana Claudia Paixao) (Read more) (Translation)

The event, by the way, is covered by several newspapers like The Sydney Morning HeraldStuff, Newcastle Herald .... 

Quotes about family, including a couple by Charlotte Brontë on DiLei (Italy): here and here. SexTant (France) also quotes Emily Brontë in an I-love-you list of quotes.


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