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Friday, June 03, 2022

Friday, June 03, 2022 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Tomorrow, June 4, the Japanese Brontë Association organizes the 2022 Brontë Day Open Lecture:
June 4th (Sat) from 14:00 on Zoom 
Co-sponsored by: Yokohama City University Community Contribution Center
Sponsor: Yokohama City Policy Bureau

Moderator: Akiko Kimura, Professor, Waseda University
Opening remarks: 14:00 Seiichi Hashimoto, Professor Emeritus, Aoyama Gakuin University
Lecture I
Buick and the Brontë Sisters
Ai Sugimura, Professor, Okayama Prefectural University
At the beginning of "Jane Eyre", the girl Jane was attracted by the dark woodblock prints such as the wreck and the cemetery
Yes, it does. Why is she staring at a picture like this? the real-life print-maker,
With Thomas Buick as a keyword, we will explore the relationship with the Brontë sisters.

Lecture II: 15:10-16:05
The Brontë biographical film To Walk Invisible
Professor of Chuo University and Principal of Chuo University Suginami High School Miwa OTA
To Walk Invisible is a BBC TV movie that is popular with people who don't know Brontë.


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