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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
The Broadview Press 2004 Jane Eyre edition is getting a revamping:
by Charlotte Brontë
Edited by Richard Nemesvari
Broadview Press
ISBN: 9781554815241
May 2022

Jane Eyre, the story of a young girl and her passage into adulthood, was an immediate commercial success at the time of its original publication in 1847. Its representation of the underside of domestic life and the hypocrisy behind religious enthusiasm drew both praise and bitter criticism, while Charlotte Brontë's striking expose of poor living conditions for children in charity schools as well as her poignant portrayal of the limitations faced by women who worked as governesses sparked great controversy and social debate. Jane Eyre, Brontë's best-known novel, remains an extraordinary coming-of-age narrative, and one of the great classics of literature.

The second edition has been updated throughout to reflect recent scholarship, and includes new appendices on violence against women in Victorian fiction and madness and disability in the Victorian era.


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