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Sunday, June 19, 2022

The Telegraph & Argus reviews the latest book by Michael Stewart (Ill Will, Walking the Invisible), Four Letters Words:
He’s also the creator of the Brontë Stones project; four monuments placed in locations between the siblings’ birthplace in Thornton and Haworth’s Brontë Parsonage Museum, inscribed with poems by Kate Bush, Carol Ann Duffy, Jeannette Winterson and Jackie Kay. Michael’s 2021 book Walking the Invisible explores the landscapes that inspired the Brontës and their writing. (Emma Clayton)
Stil in The T&A's, the pub of the week is Bradford's The Turls Green:
Set across two floors, its spacious interior features print of Bradford landmarks and characters including nearby City Hall, Lister Mill, Bradford Cathedral and the Brontë sisters. (Helen Mead)
The Telegraph publishes a somehow biased article about the banning of grouse shooting in the moors:
Grouse shooting is set to be banned on the historic moors that inspired the writings of the Brontë sisters, as part of what critics called a “manufactured and damaging” campaign against a long-standing countryside tradition. (...)
If the ban is pushed through, it would bring an end to a longstanding tradition of grouse shooting on the moors around the village of Thornton, where Emily Brontë and her sisters, Charlotte and Anne, lived and wrote their novels.
There are references to the local shooting of birds throughout the sisters’ novels, including Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, in which Heathcliffe sends a recuperating Lockwood “a brace of grouse - the last of the season”. (Patrick Sawer & Hayley Dixon)
The Guardian interviews the author Sarah Hall:
Hephzibah Anderson: Are there any classics you’re ashamed of not having read?
S.H.: I feel no shame, especially not about the ones I was supposed to read for my degree. I haven’t read any Dickens – not a word. I haven’t read Wuthering Heights either but I’ve had it read to me, which was brilliant.
Monitor (Uganda) interviews Doreen Mirembe, dental assistant, actress, writer, and producer.
Isaac Ssejjombwe : First book you read?   
D.M.: My first book was Jane Eyre. I loved it so much I still have it but it’s very old and torn. It’s about a simple girl as she battles through life and her love for her Boss Rochester. 
The Times of India lists several popular Hindi shows that got dubbed into Tamil:
 ​Urave Uyire - Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi
This is a romantic tale of a driver's son falling in love with a businessman's daughter. The soap, roughly based on the English novel 'Wuthering Heights', was widely popular on Tamil television and the show aired till 2016.

And the whole world continues reporting the extraordinary fact that Kate Bush's Running Up that Hill is again number one in the UK, 37 years after it was first released: 1News (New Zealand), The Nation (Pakistan), Far Out, Dinero en Imagen (México), CCMA (in Catalan), The Canberra Times, Kurier (Austria), Cheatsheet, Voi (Indonesia), Frankfurter Allgemeine (Germany), Antara News (Indonesia), Nieuwsblad (Belgium), The Huffington Post (France), Rockol (Italy), Popaganda (Greece), PTC (Serbia), Pravda (Slovakia), SVT (Sweden), Hamburger Abendblatt (Germany), Shz (Germany), Stiripesurse (Romania), NNN (Germany), Malay Mail (Malaysia), Daily Mail, The Telegraph & Argus, Plásticos y Decibelios (Spain), Zenda (Spain), El Liberal (Argentina)...

Cine y Literatura (Chile) reviews Siri Hustvedt's Mothers, Fathers and Others:
 Aquí se cruzan influencias como las de Emily Dickinson, Samuel Beckett, Djuna Barnes, Emily Brontë (que goza de un extenso ensayo), Kafka, la artista visual franco-americana Louise Bourgeois, y reconocimientos a voces de disciplinas como la filosofía, la antropología, el psicoanálisis: Mary Douglas, con su revolucionaria investigación sobre los ritos que distinguen lo puro de lo impuro, Paul Ricoeur y sus introspecciones respecto al rol de la traducción. (Nicolás Poblete Pardo) (Translation)
Géraldine Savary in Femina (France) talks about books that have influenced her the most:
 Plus tard, pour traverser les forêts sombres de l’adolescence, quoi de mieux que d’éclairer son chemin avec des livres. Perso, j’aimais Colette, Duras, j’ai pleuré pour Anna Karénine ou Jane Eyre, ai voulu partir à la guerre avec Maria de Pour qui sonne le glas, avoir ma chambre à moi, comme Virginia. Héroïnes ou écrivaines nous tiennent la main pour avancer dans la vie qu’on se choisit. (Translation)
Librújula (Spain) celebrates the publication of a Spanish-translated edition of Víctor Català's Solitud:
 Soledad es, en gran medida, una novela sobre los deseos de una mujer insatisfecha y esto la convierte en una novela muy moderna dentro de la tradición europea, puesto que se publicó en 1905, y está escrita por una mujer. Jan, el editor, en un vídeo de su canal de YouTube, la comparaba con obras como Cumbres borrascosas de Emily Brontë. La comparación es pertinente, sobre todo si, además de fijarnos en las pasiones que se van a desatar en el libro, nos fijamos también en la fuerza del paisaje: los páramos en Brontë y la montaña en Catalá. Lugares que se van connotando de una fuerza telúrica. (David Pérez Vega) (Translation)

Father's Day quotes, including one by Charlotte, in Global Circulate. In The Yorkshire Post, we read how "New housing [is going to] be built just yards from Brontës' birthplace if council approves plan to demolish 'discordant' workshop".


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