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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday, May 29, 2022 10:30 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
In The Sunday Times, Caroline Whelan, Group CEO at Blackrock Healthcare Group chooses her favourite books:
Favourite book: Deep Medicine by Eric Topol or Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. (Linda Daly)
The Wee Review talks about the Wise Children performances of Wuthering Heights in Edinburgh:
Wise Children have taken the novel, smooshed it together with a rock musical mother and an ensemble theatre father, and have let the ensuing love child stampede its way into Edinburgh’s King’s Theatre. (Claire Wood)
News 9 Live  interviews filmmaker Priya V:
Subha J. Rao: How did you envision the episodes [of Anantham]-- each from a different time, featuring people going through a varied set of circumstances? 
PV: Once we decided upon the house, we created a front elevation to suit our idea of Anantham. We worked on the garden to reflect the changed circumstances of the house, depending on who lived there. If you notice, each story has a particular emotion; so we decided, while writing the screenplay, that each one should be lit and shot differently. Cinematographer Bagath and I decided to stick with the main props but keep changing the others. We played with colour — one highlight wall in the house was always different. Even the style of shooting the various stories was different – the second one, 'Seetha,' had grey lighting, and lengthy shots, almost Jane Eyre-esque or Charulatha-ish.
MobMagazine (Italy) interviews the poet, writer and sculptor Lida Coltelli:
Gli autori e i libri che secondo te andrebbero letti assolutamente quali sono? Consiglia ai nostri lettori almeno tre libri da leggere nei prossimi mesi dicendoci il motivo della tua scelta. (...)
Se poi intendi dei classici… allora le cose cambiano.
Potrei consigliare “Cime tempestose” della Brontë perché è una sorta di thriller emotivo. (Translation)

Anne Brontë is quoted on a list of family love quotes on Di Lei (Italy). MusicalRadio (Germany) mentions the Wise Children's Wuthering Heights recently published score. Relógio d'Àgua Editores (in Portuguese) recommends Agnes Grey. Cubalite (Cuba) recommends the TV series The Essex Serpent to fans of Jane Eyre.


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