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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thursday, May 26, 2022 7:49 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Post reports that, 'Whitby and Haworth have been ranked among the best value and most picturesque areas to buy a home in the UK'.
Interior experts at Hammonds Furniture have ranked 125 locations in the UK based on local house prices, Instagram data with a survey of 2,000 UK adults.
Both popular Yorkshire tourist hotspots, Whitby and Haworth came fourth and sixth place respectively.
Both the destinations’ high number of tagged Instagram posts and good value local house prices compared to Yorkshire as a whole has earned them a place in the top 10 rankings. [...]
Haworth, which is famously known as the birthplace of the Bronte sisters, has been tagged 135,000 times on Instagram and offers even better value, with house prices 15 per cent lower than West Yorkshire on average. (Liana Jacob)
The Brussels Times informs about a street that's about to have its name changed.
The event will take place on Rue des Braves. Part of the street has been closed to car traffic until 31 August, as the community centre and the municipality agreed to transform it into an accessible meeting place. [...]
After this temporary experiment, the street will know its destiny. Its name will also be changed from Rue des Braves to Place des Soeurs Brontë, in line with the feminisation of street names. (Belle de Jong)
The Daily Star is enthusiastic about the novel Book Lovers by Emily Henry.
Charlie, though, is a different story. He is the stereotypical male character portrayed as an emotionless cyborg or, in the words of Nora, "a second-act Heathcliff. (Adrita Zaima Islam)
The Times publishes the obituary of the Baroness Haleh Afshar OBE, professor of politics, women’s studies, and Islamic law:
Raised by a nanny and servants, Afshar had everything done for her until, aged 14, she read Jane Eyre in French while studying at Tehran’s prestigious Jeanne d’Arc School. Charlotte Brontë’s novel describes a woman who has to support herself after losing everything. “I realised, if you left me on the side of the road, I wouldn’t be able to get my clothes on, let alone be a carer for somebody,” Afshar recalled. “So I said ‘I’m going to England’.”
La Nazione (Italy) features a new bookshop in Florence:
La libreria si chiama "Jane & Edward", anche se loro sono Valentina e Davide. Il romanzo di Charlotte Brontë “Jane Eyre“ c’entra comunque, perché è il primo libro che hanno letto insieme e che probabilmente li ha fatti innamorare e poi sposare. E’ così che, uniti dalla comune passione per la lettura, questa coppia di 46 e 47 anni, ha deciso di andare là dove li portava il cuore e di realizzare un desiderio comune: aprire una libreria di quartiere. (Olga Mugnaini) (Translation)
Evening Standard looks back on the iconic 1990s couple that were Kate Moss and Johnny Depp and quotes Johnny Depp once again on his am-i-romantic-wuthering-ten-times quote which is almost a classic in itself:
According to PEOPLE, Depp has said, “Am I a romantic? I’ve seen Wuthering Heights 10 times. I’m a romantic.” (Amy Francombe)


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