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Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday, March 27, 2022 11:27 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
 Marie Claire (Hungary) thinks that the life of the Brontës was a sort of tragic novel:
A Brontë nővérek élete felért egy tragikus regénnyel
Ha össze kellene állítanunk egy tízes listát az irodalomtörténet legtragikusabb sorsú alkotóiról, egészen biztos, hogy a Brontë nővérek is köztük lennének, valódi életük ugyanis rendkívül sok szenvedést tartogatott számukra. (Bagaméri Viki) (Translation)
Broadway World reviews the Citadel Theatre's performances of Jane Eyre:
DeGagné and Gillis are impeccably cast in their respective roles of Young Jane and Adult Jane. Both actresses deliver nuanced performances, beautifully capturing Jane's strength and vulnerability. Together, they complete one of the production's most striking visuals, sharing the stage as Adult Jane struggles with her current and younger self's yearning to be loved and accepted. (...)
Though not as eerie or foreboding as the novel, this rendition of Jane Eyre offers a unique and beautifully-performed interpretation that will have audiences rooting for the steadfast heroine. (Sarah Dussome)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reviews the play New Age, performed by the Milwaukee Repertory Theater:
That word intersecting — these women defy easy generalization or stereotype. Lisette, the 80-year-old Black writer, is as passionate about white writers like Emily Brontë as she is about James Baldwin and Arna Bontemps. Teenage Liberty is gung-ho about folk-blues guitarist Elizabeth Cotten ("Freight Train"). (Jim Higgins)
The Guardian covers live the cricket match West Indies v England's third Test:
 Jason Holder replaces Jayden Seales, and Lees continues to defend diligently in the hope someone at the other end will hang around for more than ten minutes. A maiden.
“My thanks to John Starbuck for illuminating the origins of Emily Brontë’s multiple narrators,” says Tim Sanders. “It explains why Lockwood conveniently took to his bed with a tight hamstring, and could only relay third hand to the reader Nelly’s report of Heathcliff’s description of his desperate and grisly scrabbling at Cathy’s grave. Almost as desperate and grisly as a captain running out of ideas to break a tenth-wicket partnership.” (Tim de Lisle  and Rob Smyth)
Collider lists several films about Artificial Intelligence, including Never Let Me Go 2010:
By taking a softer deft approach, Never Let Me Go quietly distorts the usual trappings of the sci-fi genre with the painfully repressed English-lit romanticism of the Brontë sisters. (Jackson Winston-Schrader)
WZUZ News discusses the possible second season of World on Fire:
He also stated that after accepting Vernon’s proposal at the end of Season 1, Lois will be trapped in a “Brontë-Esque, loveless marriage with Vernon.” A marriage without love, in the eyes of Lois (Arthur Darvill), promises security for her and her daughter; nonetheless, Lois’s strong and independent nature may suffer as a result of the relationship. (Paul D. Gibbons)
Vanity Fair (Spain) reviews the Teatro Real opera production of Prokofiev's Огненный ангел (The Fiery Angel):
La histeria fue un diagnóstico popular en el XIX y enmascaraba cualquier comportamiento extraño femenino, desde la ausencia de apetito, la ansiedad o rebelarse ante las decisiones de padres o maridos. La solución iba desde el masaje pélvico a las curas de reposo. En algunos casos, como en el de Charlotte Perkins Gilman, la reclusión, algo que aparece en el personaje de la mujer encerrada, la loca del ático de Jane Eyre. (Jorge Dioni) (Translation)
Haberler explores 'iconic characters played by different actors':
Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre romanı birçok kez filmlere ilham kaynağı olmuştur. En son uyarlamalardan 4'ünde Charlotte Gainsbourg, Samantha Morton, Ruth Wilson ve Mia Wasikowska rol aldı (Jane Eyre 1996, 1997, 2006 ve 2011).
Charlotte Gainsbourg, Eyre'nin alçakgönüllülüğünü ve aynı zamanda bağımsızlığını, coşkusunu ve cesaretini aktarmayı başardı. Ruth Wilson'ın yer aldığı mini dizi, birçok kişi tarafından Jane Eyre'nin en iyi uyarlamalarından biri olarak kabul ediliyor. Bununla birlikte, bir dizi prestijli ödüle aday gösterildi. Son olarak, Mia Wasikowska ve Michael Fassbender'ın yer aldığı versiyon hem izleyiciler hem de eleştirmenler tarafından olumlu karşılandı. (Translation)
Xurxo Fernández in El Correo Gallego (Spain) is quite right when he says:
Hay novelas que comienzan dando una impresión de cierta normalidad, que incluso parecen en principio actas notariales muy interesantes de una época, y luego se convierten en otra cosa. Algo inmenso, con una grandeza apenas contenida que engloba todo un universo de sentimientos encontrados y un entretejido de intrahistorias que acaban haciendo de la obra un arquetipo. Pienso en volúmenes que acaban dejando a uno exhausto, que nos hacen padecer inmensamente, desde luego, pero que, paralelamente, nos hacen disfrutar infinitamente como lectores. Estoy pensando, a bote pronto, en un ejemplo perfecto: Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë. Nadie acaba el libro (o la película, en su caso) indemne. Es, simplemente, terrible. Y, para colmo, la mar de enriquecedor. (Translation)
Ouest-France (France) reviews the film L'ombre d'un mensonge:
La beauté de cette île austère donne à cette histoire une allure digne des sœurs Brontë ou des Hauts de Hurlevent. En même temps, le film est d’aujourd’hui, comme en témoignent les musiques. (Gilles Kerdreux) (Translation)
I Dolomiti celebrates the centenary of Beppe Fenoglio:
Ma quello è un microcosmo dal quale Fenoglio scruta tutto il mondo, abbeverandosi alla lingua e alla letteratura inglese – da lui continuamente studiata e tradotta – e trovando ispirazione nelle tragedie shakespeariane ma soprattutto in Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë con l’inesorabile vittoria della crudeltà della vita. (Nicola Zoller) (Translation)

A respect quote by Charlotte Brontë is listed on Parade. A Little Haze Book Blog reviews Wuthering Heights.


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