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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
Tomorrow, March 11, opens in Los Angeles this Brontë-related theatre premiere:
Branwell (and the other Brontës): an autobiography edited by Charlotte Brontë
Written by Stephen Kaplan
Directed by Sarah Nilsen
Cast (in alphabetical order): Marc Leclerc, Maia Luer, Naomi Phyl, Calvin Picou, Natasha Renae Potts, and Sarah Sommers.
March 11-26
Loft Mainstage, 11031 Camarillo St, North Hollywood, CA 91602, USA

The Brontës (Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne) created such masterpieces as “Wuthering Heights” and “Jane Eyre.” However, it’s in their own private fantasy worlds, with clear rules, invented when they were children, that they find their most inspired outlets. As Branwell lays on his deathbed, they escape often and with urgency and change the rules to avoid the inevitable and try to keep both him and these cherished worlds alive. The play explores the pain and necessity of creation in the face of destruction and loss, and how misogyny contributes to the downfall of a family.


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