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Sunday, January 09, 2022

Sunday, January 09, 2022 10:33 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Mail on Sunday shares this disturbing piece of news (it would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic):
Read Jane Eyre if you dare: University students are given 'trigger warnings' for classic literature - as Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Charles Dickens's Great Expectations are marked 'distressing'. (...)
Meanwhile Jane Eyre, written in 1847, charts the romance between Brontë's titular heroine and the troubled Mr Rochester, but also describes her unhappy childhood as an abandoned orphan.
Mr [Andrew] Bridgen added: 'Victorian readers could cope with tales of workhouses and children being groomed into criminal gangs. But we are in danger of creating a dystopian future far darker than any Victorian novel.' (Chris Hastings)

We don't know what's most worrying, the actual piece of news or it being all together in tune with the Daily Mail.

Los Angeles Review of Books reviews Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart:
Once the scene is set, though, Stuart more or less ignores it, focusing instead on life inside Shuggie’s home, as his siblings depart and he is left to look after his mum. It’s as if Emily Brontë were to close the curtains on the moors that surround Wuthering Heights, or if China Miéville were to keep Isaac Dan der Grimnebulin from roaming the streets of New Crobuzon. (Mark Bould)
The Winnipeg Free Press reviews Five Tuesdays in Winter by Lily King:
Lucy is one of the older narrators in a collection that permeates with youth — teens and tweens just learning to love, to mourn and to forgive. These characters include 14-year-old Carol who, in the opening story Creatures, works as a mother’s helper for a wealthy New England family while imagining herself to be the next Charlotte Brontë. Twelve-year-old Paula, who slyly masterminds a hesitant courtship between her unemotional, by-the-book bookkeeper father and his new employee in the title story, is another one of King’s vivid creations. (Sharon Chisvin)
Jennifer K. Lafferty, author of the upcoming of  The Many Faces of Jane Eyre: Film, TV and Stage Adaptations recommends biographies in Goodreads:
I think a lot of people tend to lump Charlotte Brontë together with other 19th century spinsterish writers like Jane Austen and poet Emily Dickenson but Charlotte Brontë: A Fiery Heart dispels much of this stereotype and presents a multidimensional woman of great passion, contradiction, initiative and backbone. Brontë comes across as even more intriguing than her most famous heroine. I read this book as research for my new book The Many Faces of Jane Eyre: Film, TV and Stage Adaptations but it turned out to be very entertaining and I would highly recommend it, especially to fans of Charlotte Bronte's work.
15Min (Lithuania) interviews the singer Erica Jennings:
Mėgstamiausia E.Jennings knyga yra britų rašytojos Emily Brontë romanas „Vėtrų kalnas“. „Nežinau, kiek kartų nuo 8–9 metų esu jį perskaičiusi, – teigė ji. – Apskritai vaikystėje labai daug skaičiau.“ Dainininkei ši knyga įdomi „dėl visko“, pradedant siužetu ir aprašymais. „Tiesiog neįmanoma nuo jos atsitraukti“, – pridūrė. (Monika Bertašiūtė-Čiužienė) (Translation)
A columnist of Público (Spain) mentions Jane Eyre:
El único regalo que yo valoro es una edición barata en Plaza y Janés de Jane Eyre que me hizo mi madre cuando era un chaval. Ese libro me enseñó a escribir. Y desde entonces no hago otra cosa que llenar vuestras estanterías de obras maestras indiscutibles, cargadas de prosodia y alejandrineces. No sé cómo no se os hunden las estanterías. (Aníbal Malvar) (Translation)
Il Foglio (Italy) reviews Orientation and other stories by Daniel Orozco:
La realtà è sempre un po’ meno affascinante e perentoria della fantasia, e anche Emily Brontë, forse la più “pura” di tutti i one book author, col solo capolavoro Cime tempestose sugli scaffali, qualche verso se lo è lasciato dietro. (Vanni Santoni) (Translation)


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