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Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday, October 18, 2021 10:39 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
ScadConnector recommends some new books 'that are worth your time (and money)' such as
Within These Wicked Walls” by Lauren Blackwood
Horror and romance could be one of the genre clashes ever written, and Lauren Blackwood’s “Within These Wicked Walls” plans to prove it. “Within These Wicked Walls” is set to be released on Oct. 19. 
This novel has all my favorite things a black heroine, a romance and a super cool-sounding magic system — I cant wait to get my hands on it. On top of all that,  “Within These Wicked Walls” is to be a fantasy retelling of Jane Eyre with Ethiopian roots  —  Blackwood really knows the way to my heart.
If that doesn’t excite you, then maybe knowing that the main character Andromeda is an exorcist, so you know that there must be some creepy scenes involving the dead — something any horror fan can appreciate. (Elijah Johnson)
The Guardian features Elizabeth Strout and her famous character Lucy Barton:
Lucy is the least attention-seeking of women – the challenge was to make her earn Strout’s attention on the page. She is one of that company in literature who suffer from poor self-esteem or hang about, initially, on the margins of their own lives. There is a sense in which she belongs with TS Eliot’s J Alfred Prufrock or with Anne Elliot, the overlooked middle daughter in Jane Austen’s Persuasion, or with Jane Eyre, although Jane is a bolder mouse than she. (Kate Kellaway)
Elle (Spain) has included Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights on a list of the 50 best books written by women.
Cumbres Borrascosas
¿Quién no ha oído hablar de ‘Cumbres borrascosas’? Sin duda, una de las obras más importantes de las hermanas Brontë, en este caso de Emily. Una historia de venganza y odio que se desarrolla en los brumosos y sombríos páramos de Yorkshire. Tampoco faltan aquí la dosis de pasión y, por supuesto, amores convulsos que la convierten en una interesante pieza de la literatura universal. [...]
Jane Eyre
Otra de las joyas que nos regalaron las hermanas Brontë, en este caso Charlotte, es ‘Jane Eyre’. Una novela de amor y misterio protagonizada por Jane Eyre, una muchacha huérfana que acabará como institutriz en casa de una acaudalada familia. Un retrato de la época que te incitará a devorar cada una de sus páginas. (Laura Sutil) (Translation)
'Charlotte Brontë After The Publication Of Jane Eyre' on AnneBrontë.org.


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