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Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Tuesday, October 05, 2021 12:30 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
A couple of new Brontë-related papers from scholars all over the world:
Li Zhang, Chunying Mu
Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 2021

Feminism refers to the social theory and political movement created and launched to end sexism, sexual exploitation, sexual discrimination, and sexual oppression. In literature, feminist criticism mainly focuses on how gender influences the creation and interpretation of literary works, and its topics include discrimination, stereotype, objectification, body, oppression, and patriarchy. In this paper, using Feminist Theory and Text Analysis to explore the heroine Jane Eyre, who has the emotional entanglement with Rochester. Jane Eyre dare to pursue love, fighting against unfair rules, presenting the real image of women, who is the classic symbol of western awakening feminist consciousness, gradually women start to fight, to pursue their own rights and interests. In a word, the purpose of this study is to improve the status of women today, promote the full play and all-round development of women's, and at the same time help change the inequality situation between men and women, promote people to live in harmony and stable society.
Wide Sargasso Sea e as cartas de Jean Rhys: dessacralizando o discurso colonial
Naylane Matos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Via Atlantica (39), 239-267.

O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar quão contextual é o processo de escrita de mulheres, em especial, o do texto literário, tomando como objeto as cartas de registro da produção do romance feminista pós-colonial Wide Sargasso Sea, da escritora Jean Rhys. Por meio das cartas de Rhys, abordamos os fatores que envolveram a produção da obra, desde o conflito da autora diante da representação da personagem crioula louca no romance inglês, Jane Eyre (1847), da escritora canônica Charlotte Brontë, às estratégias para validação da sua obra na Inglaterra. Tomamos como referência perspectivas pós e decoloniais para análise dos aspectos elencados nas cartas e suscitados pelo texto literário.


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