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Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments

Some more recent Brontë-related papers or thesis:

Escrita Feminina e autorepresentação em Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë
Crmelinda Carla Carvalho e Silva
Revista Cacto, v. 1 n. 1 (2021)

Este trabalho aborda a obra Jane Eyre, da escritora Charlotte Brontë, buscando demonstrar como a escritora incluiu em sua narrativa temas da época vitoriana carregados de críticas sociais, envolvendo a condição da mulher. A narrativa é focada no público feminino, com personagens que desejam fortemente a liberdade. Na obra, o sofrimento, a angústia e outros sentimentos silenciados das mulheres são trazidos à tona. O artigo objetiva trazer uma análise do romance, com o foco no caráter inovador da escrita de Brontë, que, de maneira autorrepresentativa, concede às personagens femininas personalidades ousadas e fortes, além de criticar a função da mulher na sociedade do período em que a obra foi produzida.
Nur Amaliyah
Ph.D., Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2021

The aim of this research is to find out the personalities of protagonist character which found in the Wuthering heights novel and understanding the structures of characteristic with the specific figure in the novel. Additionally, it examines three major objectives in this research. The focus of research are description of the Catherine Earnshaw’s personalities in the novel, the causes of Catherine Earnshaw’s Egocentric Tendency and the problems and egocentric tendency concerning in Catherine Earnshaw’s life. In analyzing Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte, researcher will applied the Sigmund Freud’s theory about psychoanalytic which are showing three structure of personality namely Id, ego and superego. The method of this research is qualitative. Besides, there are two types of the data source, the primary data is a Wuthering heights novel by Emily Bronte and the secondary data are books, journals, official websites which related to the research. The results shows that Catherine Earnshaw has an egocentric tendency with five types including egocentric memory, egocentric myopia, egocentric righteousness, egocentric blindness, and egocentric immediacy. In dealing with this tendency, Catherine balances defense mechanisms in the form of denial, identification, repression, and rationalization.


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