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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021 10:51 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
 Simon Jenkins in The Guardian warns of the dangerous future of rural England:
This is naturally drawing in hungry developers attracted by the collapse of traditional town planning in the face of central dirigisme under John Major years before and Boris Johnson today. Nothing local people can say or do will stop Whitehall demanding that Jane Austen’s Hampshire village of Chawton build 1,200 new houses. Emily Brontë’s romantic Wuthering Heights at Haworth in Yorkshire has been ordered to construct a 14-acre housing estate.
Ozy reports on storm chasers and storms in general:
And in Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights, frequent moorland storms reflect the intense love between protagonists Heathcliff and Cathy, as well as the forces of fate that human passion cannot defy. Mellow or sweeping, sinister or sweet, literary storms add punch to the plotline. (Sohini Das Gupta)
The Columbus Dispatch 'unleashes' the power of the graphic novels:
Manga versions aren’t word-for-word, but it helps readers understand a classic book’s plot. The publisher Manga Classics specializes in retelling old stories, such as Romeo and Juliet, the Scarlet Letter and Jane Eyre. (Nicole Layton)
ABC (Australia) lists the best debut singles:
Kate Bush – 'Wuthering Heights'
A song about a ghost who wants to be let into her living lover's home, based on a book written over 130 years prior by Emily Brontë. A song written by an 18 year old who had never released music before and who recorded the vocals in one take.
It's not surprising her record company was a little hesitant about Kate Bush's vision. Thank goodness they listened to her.
'Wuthering Heights' propelled Kate into our hearts and into our culture and began her unique and magical musical journey. It's still one of my favourite Kate Bush moments and will be celebrated across the world by music lovers and Kate Bush fans for all eternity, because she is the Queen.
Kate grabbed my soul away and I am forever grateful. (Dylan Lewis)
Le Journal du Dimanche interviews the writer Guillaume Musso: 
Partager les tourments de personnages pathologiquement atteints, comme Catherine et Heathcliff, est une expérience hors du commun. J'aime éprouver leur dévastation, la rugosité de leurs existences de papier. (Laëtitia Favro) (Translation)

El Heraldo de México (México) sighs thinking of After, the film:

 Uno de los elementos que dota a esta cinta de mayor romanticismo, es que recupera frases de la novela Cumbres Borrascosas de Emily Brontë como "No sé qué composición tendrán nuestras almas, pero sea de lo que sea, la suya es igual a la mía", la cual marcará un antes y un después en la historia. (Valentina Ortiz Monasterio) (Translation)
Spanish politics using Wuthering Heights is kind of a cliché. A new example in 20 Minutos:
Sin embargo, y a pesar de ello, por parte de la oposición y otros intereses espurios no cesan los mensajes -por mar, tierra y aire- de la debilidad del sistema y de los oscuros nubarrones que se avecinan. Parece que Cumbres Borrascosas de Emily Brontë se quedaría corta. (Mercè Perea) (Translation)

The Sisters' Room posts about the connections, via Anne Lister, of Gentleman Jack and the Brontës. And we cannot end this newsround without quoting the title of the latest post on the Crickether blog:  "Elwiss Scales The Wuthering Heights of Heath’s Cliff". Brilliant.


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