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Sunday, August 22, 2021

 Lancashire Live and the Manchester Evening News think that Wycoller Hall is a Lancashire 'hidden gem':
A village is Colne has been hailed a 'hidden gem' for its ruins, streams, craft centre and more.
Wycoller Village and Country Park, located just a few miles from Colne, has been praised by visitors.
Wycoller Hall has passed between several high profile Lancashire families but has subsequently fell into ruin.
It is thought to have inspired Ferndean Manor in Charlotte Brontë's novel Jane Eyre. (Chantelle Heeds)
The hall, which dates back to the 1600s, is believed to have been the inspiration for Charlotte Brontë's Fearndean Manor in her novel Jane Eyre.
The Brontë sisters are said to have regularly walked the 10 miles here from Haworth in neighbouring Yorkshire where they grew up. (...)
The bewitching location of the hall is said to have inspired the literary genius of Charlotte Brontë when she walked here with her sisters in the 19th century.
For it is believed that Wycoller Hall was the inspiration for Ferndean Manor, the woodland manor house of Mr Rochester in her classic work Jane Eyre. (Dianne Bourne)
The Riverside Quarterly publishes the article Charlotte Brontë’s “Possession”: 'What Writers Can Learn from the Author of Jane Eyre':
“Charlotte Brontë was essentially a trance writer”, so writes Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar in their wildly popular feminist text The Madwoman in the Attic. Brontë’s art form, though well-rehearsed after decades of writing alongside her sisters, is almost as mystical and mythologized as Jane Eyre itself, with strange and morbidly fascinating tales of Charlotte’s peers watching her write at a furious pace, her eyes closed and gripping her pencil in a crushing grip, at the most inopportune times. Indeed, Brontë once, when stationed as a teacher at Roe Head School in the mid-1830s, condescendingly mocked both her students and employer as they watched her in the midst of one of these infamous writing trances; “Hang their astonishment!” she writes later on in her journal, “stupidity, the atmosphere, school-books, the employment, asses, the society, what in all this is there to remind me of the divine, silent, unseen land of thought” (...) ( Tyler Clark)
GMA News talks about the Filipino TV series The World Between Us
According to [Dominic] Zapata [(the director)],  the romance drama series is based on Emily Brontë’s classic book “Wuthering Heights.”  (Kaela Malig)
A reader in The Sunday Times also caught the blunder on the Maggie O'Farrell interview a few days ago:  
Eyre-ata slip
In the interview with Maggie O’Farrell (Culture, last week), she is asked who her favourite authors are. She reportedly replies, “Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Strout or Margaret Atwood.”
I wonder if Mr Rochester also wrote any noteworthy books. (Kay Bagon, Radlett, Hertfordshire)
Dreams on antidepressants in The Spinoff (New Zealand):
The dream dictionaries I consulted in the 90s and the dream sequences I love in books and films have also baked into me, like permanent indentations in an old mattress, the idea that a dream can reflect our lives back at us truly. Jane Eyre watching mad old Rochester tiny in the distance; Ruth in Jack Lasenby’s The Lake seeing her father calling her from the lake’s edge. (Ashleigh Young)
The Sangai Express (India) mentions the Brontës in a letter from a governess to parents:
Here, I will attempt to write in the form of classic English writing inspired by Jane Eyre. By the way, the very idea of writing this piece came up while I was teaching my niece, the poem,’Mr Rabbit’.
In my story narrative, I had imagined myself as a governess (teacher) who is not working in a fancy mansion like, Mr. Rochester’s house in Jane Eyre’s novel. (Chinglembi Shagolsem)
The author Gretchen Archer discusses epistolary novels in Kings River Life Magazine:
Have you ever read an epistolary? A story told through correspondence rather than by a narrator? Of the epistolaries I’ve read—comparatively speaking, there aren’t all that many out there. The one that made the biggest impression was A Woman Of Independent Means by Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey. With the single exception of A Woman, I’ve never read a book more than once, unlike my oldest daughter Laura, who reads the entire Harry Potter series every year or Margaret Tate, Sandra Bullock’s character in The Proposal, who reads Wuthering Heights every Christmas.
Stars Insider explores UK's literary inspirations:
The highly-admired Brontë sisters were from West Riding, in Yorkshire. There, the three writers created intricate stories about love and loss. Emily Brontë depicted the romantic gloom of Yorkshire in ‘Wuthering Heights’, with protagonist Heathcliff wandering the melancholic moors. The moors are otherwise known as Brontë Country. Step into the sisters’ world at The Brontë Parsonage Museum. The site is located at their former home in Haworth.
It has come about after Post Office Ltd proposed to close the local post-office branch and move it inside the new co-op store on Station Road in September.
The post office has been there for more than 150 years and serves many residents and businesses in the area.
It is also a a tourist destination for Brontë lovers, as it is where the famous sisters used to post their letters.
Lydia MacKinnon, 59, spokesperson for Save Haworth Main Street Post Office group said: “It's an iconic street scene, it’s one of the most iconic street scenes in the UK, but it’s not only visited by thousands of people it also has lots of residents and businesses that use the post office. It’s the only place on Main Street where you can get cash out.”
The protest will take place on the church steps in Haworth at midday on Sunday August 22. (Chelsie Sewell)
ABC Hoy (Argentina) on reading during a pandemic:
El asunto es que desde que inició la pandemia mis lecturas se volvieron inusuales. Hice un pasaje por toda la bibliografía de Jane Austen, en muchos casos releyendo novelas que ya había leído hasta dos veces. Leí por primera vez Mujercitas, Jane Eyre y Cumbres borrascosas. Cuando los clásicos se agotaron, en castellano y en inglés, me incliné hacia obras más polémicas como la trilogía de Bridget Jones (maravillosas lecturas, pero eso es material para otro día). (María Constanza Celano López) (Translation)
La Crónica del Quindío (Colombia) visits a private library in Bogotá:
Adentrarse en ese bosque de papel y tinta en medio de cierta penumbra solemne interrumpida por chorros de luz que se filtran por las ventanas, produce la sensación que a un niño una dulcería, asombro, felicidad de advertir la presencia apretujada de una multitud de hombres y mujeres congregados, escritores de todas las latitudes y condiciones, de todos los tiempos, famosos o anónimos metidos en esos libros, autores de obras y pensamientos cumbres de la humanidad como las de Shakespeare o Cervantes o de sencillas y sentidas poesías telúricas cómo Hojas de Hierba o la simple constatación de los amores pasionales en Cumbres Borrascosas, que ahora permanecen silenciosos, callados, ordenados, firmes en los estantes esperando que alguien los convoque con el roce de las manos, los rescate de su silencioso letargo para ponerlos a conversar, a destilar información, erudición, sabiduría o simple entretenimiento. (Óscar Iván Sabogal Vallejo) (Translation)

El DiarioAR (Argentina) publishes an excerpt from a recent Spanish translation of  Virginia Woolf's Genius and Ink, the one on Charlotte Brontë. Contigo! (Brazil) recommends Wuthering Heights. Rereading Jane Eyre posts about Wide Sargasso Sea


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