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    6 days ago

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021 2:31 am by M. in ,    No comments
The Gondal saga is the main inspiration for this new ebook:
Judy Lunsford
May 14, 2021

California girl, Tilly, is a scholarship student and junior transfer to an exclusive all girls school in New England.Thrust into a new
environment where everyone else seems to have known one another forever, Tilly finds herself suddenly immersed in the lives of five other girls in her class. With the inspiration from the all female-writer curriculum assigned by the young English teacher, Miss Anderson, the girls create The Secret Gondal Society. A Secret Society loosely based on the Bronte sister's idea of writing together in a shared fantasy world.Through the friendship forged within the society, the girls face the realities of life through the fantasies created in their writing.This compelling story is completely told through letters and short stories written by Tilly to a mysterious "Secret Sister", you, the reader.


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