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Friday, May 07, 2021

YorkshireLive and others report that filming for the sequel of The Railway Children is due to start Monday 10th.
Film crews are about to descend on a picturesque corner of West Yorkshire for a sequel to The Railway Children, one of the best-loved British family films.
The Railway Children Return will star Jenny Agutter, who will resume her role in the original movie from 1970, alongside Sheridan Smith and Tom Courtenay.
Filming is due to start on Monday, May 10. The exact locations where filming will take place from May 10 have not been revealed, but key locations around Keighley and Haworth will be used by film crews at some point.
The production company said: "Shooting begins on location in the UK 10 May 2021."
Key locations used in the 1970 classic will feature again in the sequel including Oakworth Station, the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth, and the iconic Keighley & Worth Valley Railway. [...]
The Railway Children Return is due to open in UK cinemas on April 1 2022. (Andrew Robinson)
And with cinemas due to reopen on May 17th, Keighley News features Keighley Picture House and its history.
Mr Morris then took over the premises and they reopened – following a refurbishment – in July, 1996.
That year saw a charity screening of Genevieve – attended by one of its stars, Dinah Sheridan – and the premiere of a new Jane Eyre film. (Alistair Shand)
The Guardian has an article about finding love in bookshops and among book lovers.
Luckily for bookworms, touching hands with a stranger when reaching for the same copy of Wuthering Heights may not be as rare as it sounds. Daunt Books manager Brett Croft says many couples have locked eyes in the long oak galleries and quiet corners of their Edwardian Marylebone store in London. “People often ask if they can propose or get married here because that’s where they met,” he says. “People hide rings in the book that sparked their original conversation. And all they said was, ‘That’s a fantastic book, you should read it.’” (Lydia Spencer-Elliott)
Daily Mail reviews the book In Love with Hell. Drink in the Lives and Work of Eleven Writers by William Palmer.
Nevertheless, In Love With Hell is a bad title, overstating the case, for the authors discussed in this book still produced masterpieces. Their genius was not marred. Everyone thought Jean Rhys had died after the war, for example. In fact, she was living in Devon, ‘a mad, drunken old woman’ who was writing Wide Sargasso Sea, published in 1966 to acclaim. She was made a CBE in 1978. (Roger Lewis)
Ara (in Catalan) calls period dramas 'teacup films' and looks into their newfound popularity.
El confinament, moment en què molts espectadors buscaven un consol audiovisual, ha revaloritzat les sèries de tassetes i ha fet que els seus seguidors o, caldria dir, les seves seguidores, perquè el seu públic és majoritàriament femení, es reapropiïn de l'etiqueta cansades que se les mirin de dalt a baix quan expressen la seva devoció per les adaptacions televisives de Jane Austen o les germanes Brontë. Alta societat britànica, protagonistes femenines, històries d'amor amb més o menys fortuna i grans dosis de te són, a grans trets, els elements que definirien un gènere que aquest divendres es renova amb l'arribada a Movistar+ de Belgravia, la nova ficció del creador de Downton Abbey, Julian Fellowes. (Alejandra Palés) (Translation)
In another article, Ara also mentions the increase demand for similar classic novels.
L'última iniciativa, Club Victòria, posa a disposició dels lectors catalans peces fonamentals de la literatura victoriana anglesa, com Seny i sentiment, de Jane Austen, i Una habitació amb vistes, d'E.M. Forster. "En pocs mesos hem aconseguit tenir un grup de cheerleaders victorianes que ens demanen que impulsem una pila de projectes, com ara les novel·les de les germanes Charlotte i Emily Brontë i les de Walter Scott". (Jordi Nopca) (Translation)
Mirror features a 12-year-old girl whose IQ is 'higher [...]than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking['s]' and who is currently reading Jane Eyre. Mirador provincial (Spain) features writer María Eugenia del Zotto who mentions the Brontës among her literary influences.


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