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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday, May 11, 2021 7:47 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Herald Scotland interviews writer Monique Roffey.
What was the first book to make an impact on you?
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë. I loved it and still do: an orphan/outsider up against the world, a mean family, and yet she gets the man. I love it despite the Creole madwoman …who I don’t like.
A similar question is asked to writer Mary Morris in an interview for BookMarks.
Book Marks: First book you remember loving?
Mary Morris: Oh definitely Jane Eyre. There were lots of books that I read and that absorbed me before Jane Eyre (like Little Women and all of Nancy Drew), but Jane Eyre was my first love. I was perhaps eleven or twelve years old and found myself living inside that book. I savored every page. It obsessed me night and day. Then afternoon day I’m walking home from school with a friend, and I tell her I’m reading Jane Eyre and she says to me, “Oh have you gotten to the part about his crazy wife in the attic?” And I put my hands over my ears and screamed. Ever since then I won’t let anyone talk to me about a book or film they’ve enjoyed if I plan to read or see it.
Spanish writer Espido Freire thinks that only a handful of women writers can boast of the fact that people can name at least some of their works.--the Brontës among them. From La Provincia (Spain):
A cualquier lector, aunque no esté muy formado, le preguntas y te sabe nombrar Orgullo y Prejuicio, Sentido y Sensibilidad o Emma. Hay muy pocas autoras a ese nivel, tienes a Rosalía de Castro, a Virginia Woolf, incluso en su momento a Santa Teresa de Jesús, o a las hermanas Brontë. (Marta Otero Mayán) (Translation)
The Edinburgh Reporter features Laura Shenton and her recent book Kate Bush: The Kick Inside In-Depth
Released in November 1977, Wuthering Heights was in the charts when Bush was still a teenager. “It’s nostalgic in a way”, explained Laura talking of her initial interest in Bush.  “I’m a lot younger than the generation that heard Wuthering Heights when it came out. When I was a kid my parents had the single in a box of records. It sold well so is a common single and I later got a copy of the album The Kick Inside and seriously got into it and loved it in my teens.” (Richard Purden)
Daily Mail shows images from the first day of filming The Railway Children Return mentioning the fact the Brontë Parsonage and Haworth will be among the filming locations.


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