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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:59 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
This columnist from The Telegraph is not a fan of retellings.
Contrary to my public image, I am a sunny soul. I’m not a wet blanket, or a fumer, or a fuss-budget who bitches “You can’t do that!”
But I’m currently multi-tasking on all three, after hearing that one of my favourite books – Mary McCarthy’s breathtakingly elegant and ambitious The Group, first published in 1963 and telling the story of eight Ivy League graduate friends as they embark on adult life in 1930s America – has been “re-imagined”, featuring a group of contemporary Oxford graduates 20 years on, by British writer Lara Feigel. [...]
So what next, I wonder? Watership Down with rats? Wuthering Golan Heights with Heathcliff as a Palestinian and Cathy as the daughter of a Zionist settler? (Julie Burchill)
You'd think they'd be deleting the originals to write the new ones.

Irish Examiner has several 'workshop leaders' give tips for writing different genres.
Teenage Writing: Elizabeth Rose (ER) Murray
Read as widely as you can.
Dare to dream - and then work for it.
Writers write. It’s that simple. Make it a habit, a joy, and your writing will improve.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: A stellar example of using different narrative voices, using passion to inform your work, and playing with reader emotions and empathy. (Des O'Driscoll)
El Tiempo (Colombia) features the work of Anne Carson:
Quizás de ese nomadismo viene su incomodidad con la realidad y con ese sentir de no tener una casa con raíces, asunto que resuelve con su culto a la lengua y la cultura, donde tiene muy claro su lugar entre el mundo antiguo y el mundo moderno, entre la cultura griega, el latín y la lengua inglesa que hereda de Emily Brontë y Emily Dickinson, dos de sus autoras tutelares con quienes establece correspondencias en muchas de sus páginas. (Federico Díaz-Granados) (Translation)
PsychCentral discusses 'narcissistic parenting':
Part 2: The Jane Eyre Effect
But it gets even weirder. Do you remember the book Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Brontë? Well, if you didn’t have to read it in high school, you’ve probably seen one of the many, many movies based on the book. In a nutshell, Mr. Rochester is a wealthy, mysterious bachelor who falls in love with his ward’s nanny, the innocent and virtuous Jane Eyre. On their wedding morning, she discovers Mr. Rochester’s secret: his insane wife is locked up in one wing of his mansion.
Narcissists are like that. They have secrets they never tell anyone but that nevertheless affect you in very weird ways. Take for example the time my father told me, “You shouldn’t wear your hair off your face. You have a weak hairline.” Or his objection to me getting a dog. Or getting my ears pierced. The fact that we never ate at nor spoke the name of a certain fast food chain. All weird details that were never explained.
Recently, I discovered the real basis for all of these bizarre idiosyncrasies. There was a person my family prefers to forget who wore her hair off her face, has pierced ears, loves dogs and shares her name with a fast food chain. Suddenly my family’s obsession with Jane Eyre makes sense. Just like Mr. Rochester, we too have a never-spoken-about entity that haunted all our lives, affecting how I was allowed to lead my life. Sometimes I felt that she was being projected onto me. It’s super creepy! (Lenora Thompson)
The blunder of the day is Next Alerts calling special agent Emily Byrne, the main character from the show Absentia, Emily Brontë.
Absentia Season 3: Will Stana Katic as Special Agent Emily Bronte solve the mystery surrounding her? [...]
Stana Katic as Special Agent Emily Bronte
Kalina Zaharieva as Young Emily Bronte (Rakshitha)


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