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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday, July 11, 2020 11:27 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Times looks into 'day trips without the crowds in Hathersage, Eyemouth and Wanstead'.
Hathersage, Derbyshire
The Peak District has its share of honeypots, but you wouldn’t consider Hathersage one of them — unless, perhaps, you were a committed Charlotte Brontë fan. Never mind Haworth, if you really want to understand Jane Eyre, your answers are in this pretty limestone village in sheep-speckled countryside, where Brontë stayed in the summer of 1845 — and which gave her plenty of inspiration.
Follow in her footsteps around St Michael and All Angels’ church and you’ll find multiple memorials to the real-life Eyre family. Their one-time residence, North Lees Hall, is just outside town and matches the description of Mr Rochester’s imposing country pile brick for brick. Even more convincingly, an early mistress of North Lees, Agnes Ashurst, is said to have gone mad, only to die in a fire locked in the tower. North Lees is closed to the public, but the George Hotel isn’t — Brontë stayed at this Hathersage coaching inn and it appears in the novel. (Jeremy Lazell, Georgia Stephens and Tristan Kennedy)
The Times also recommends '20 children’s books for summer', including
Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: A Retelling by Tanya Landman
A snappy retelling of the classic by the author of Buffalo Soldier. Hold on to your bonnets. “Reader, I married him,” remains, but elsewhere the story has been simplified lovingly. At the very least it will make you want to read the original again. It has a reading age of 9+, but is pitched at teenagers. (Alex O’Connell)
Screen Daily reviews the film The Winter Lake.
In the aftermath of an initially unspecified incident, Tom (Anson Boon) and his mother Elaine (Charlie Murphy) abandon England and retreat to an old family home in Ireland. Cinematographer Ruari O’Brien makes the most of a well-chosen location that feels like the middle of nowhere. Ominous skies with a lone tree defying the battering wind make it look like Brontë territory. The rain never ceases. Everything is boggy and damp, especially an oppressive cottage that has few amenities and dodgy electrics. (Allan Hunter)
Bergamo News (Italy) mentions the 1957 Italian adaptation of Jane Eyre.
Avventure e passioni dell’eroina romantica di Charlotte Brontë nella riduzione televisiva di “Jane Eyre”, con la regia di Majano che firma anche la sceneggiatura. Ilaria Occhini, Raf Vallone e Ubaldo Lay ne sono i protagonisti. Da sottolineare le musiche di Riz Ortolani, che entrano spesso violentemente nella trama, così come vuole il regista. Si ricordano anche alcune scene madri strappalacrime. (Claudio Carminati) (Translation)
Io Donna (Italy) discusses literary heroines.
Vivono storie intense, complicate. Nella loro perfezione rispecchiamo le nostre aspirazioni, nei fallimenti pungono il nervo scoperto delle nostre fragilità. Che siano classiche come Jane Eyre e Jo March, o native digitali come Lisbeth Salander, i personaggi femminili sono sempre un esempio del tentativo delle donne di affermarsi. (Maria Grazia Ligato) (Translation)
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) recommends The Bookshop on the Shore by Jenny Colgan in its selection of feel-good books for the summer.
Det är fullt av litterära referenser (”Den hemliga trädgården”, ”Jane Eyre” och andra i samma stil) och då och då rätt roligt. (Lotta Olsson) (Translation)
Página 12 (Argentina) reports that writer Mariana Enríquez has won a Celsius Award for her novel Nuestra parte de noche.
El romance entre Rosario y Juan tiene mucho de Heathcliff y Catherine de Cumbres borrascosas. (Silvina Friera) (Translation)
El Periòdic (Andorra) has an article on the 'Brontë myth'.

Finally, most The Most Wuthering Heights Day events have been cancelled all around. But the people of Canberra have been able to do it, safe measurements and all:
We are performing together twice -
FIRST at 10.15am in stage at Canberra Theatre (livestreamed)
Check in through stage door (same entrance as the courtyard theatre) between 9.15 and 9.30am. There are changing facilities but good idea to arrive dressed and ready. No audience or entourage allowed for this bit sorry.
THEN we will walk down to Glebe Park (only 500m) and do it all again at 11am if it's not too wet.
Forget about the session1/session2 split: our numbers have dropped a little so we will be OK to dance all together.
Please try to limit your entourage to one guest each and they need to bring their own folding chair or picnic rug. Bring spare picnic rugs if you can.
Sorry it all got a bit messy but we can do this!
EDIT: In Brisbane they have managed an online edition.


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