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Monday, June 22, 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020 9:28 am by Cristina in ,    No comments
Apartment Therapy thinks that the best way to escape further into a book is by lighting a literary candle.
The literary candles, from Uncommon Goods, come in four different scents, each based on a specific setting from a book.
Thornfield Garden, from Jane Eyre, smells simply like roses and rain water. (Mia Nakaji Monnier)
This contributor to La República (Ecuador) lists her favourite writers before discovering Kate Morton.
Luego llegaron a mi vida las adorables hermanas Brontë, y eso fue la locura, para terminar amando a J.K. Rowland [sic], lo que me convierte, a mi juicio, en un alma afín a Kate Morton: ambas tenemos solo hermanas mujeres, compartimos la pasión por Inglaterra y sus novelistas, así como el sentimiento de lo gótico y la atracción por la flema inglesa, que tan a menudo oculta intensas pasiones. (María Rosa Jurado) (Translation)
Funny how you can get the name of one of your favourite writers wrong though.

AnneBrontë.org looks at some Brontë-related content available online. Brontë Babe Blog reviews The Governess of Thornfield by Charlene DeKalb (aka The Eyre Guide).


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