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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Good news from the Brontë Parsonage Museum on Facebook:
We are delighted that museums in the UK have been given permission to open from early July.
Here at the Parsonage, we are busy putting everything into place so that we can open our doors and welcome you back.
We can't tell you exactly when that will be just yet, but please watch this space for further  announcements and pre-booking information.
Also on Twitter, with a lovely video of the garden looking luscious.
This contributor to Vox should perhaps reread the Brontë novels, particularly Wuthering Heights and Villette.
But beyond the inarguable dollar value of the genre, it is also a distinct art form, one that revolves around a central love story and ends happily, either with a “happily ever after” or with a “happy for now.” By that definition, romance novels are as old as the English novel itself.
In fact, the two at times were interchangeable. Books by Jane Austen and the Brontës in the 19th century tended to revolve around romantic love stories and — crucially for the genre — they have happy endings. (Constance Grady)
The Oprah Magazine shares an excerpt from Silvia Moreno-Garcia's Mexican Gothic.
“And you, what have you been up to? Don’t think I haven’t noticed you hardly write. Have you been pretending you live on a windswept moor, like in Wuthering Heights?” Noemí asked. Catalina had worn out the pages of that book.
“No. It’s the house. The house takes most of my time,” Catalina said, extending a hand and touching the velvet draperies. (Michelle Hart)
La Nación (Argentina) recommends 10 films based on novels written by women, including
Jane Eyre (Cary Joji Fukunaga, 2011)
Novela emblema del romanticismo inglés del siglo XIX, signada por la sombra de la tragedia que envolvió para siempre al linaje de las hermanas Brönte [sic] , Jane Eyre se gestó a partir de los recuerdos de institutriz de Charlotte, de su imaginería adolescente de amores imposibles, de su escritura madura y vital. La versión del director Cary Joji Fukunaga es una de las más certeras en el retrato de esa pasión gótica y turbulenta que une a la joven Jane y al misterioso Edward Rochester. Su puesta en escena es exuberante sin ser barroca, su narrativa es intensa sin ahogar la idealización propia del relato. Y los ecos fantasmales que persiguen a Jane desde su infancia, que la siguen desde su escondite en la chimenea de su tía hasta los bosques que rodean la mansión del señor Rochester, encuentran la mejor expresión en los tonos opacos de Fukunaga, en el rostro extrañado de Mia Wasikowska que brinda a Jane Eyre su destino de grandeza en la tradición romántica. (Paula Vázquez Prieto) (Translation)
Onirik (France) reviews the book Brexit Romance by Clémentine Beauvais and recommends suitable background music.
Pour suivre les aventures de Justine, conceptrice d’une agence matrimoniale d’un nouveau genre, anti-Brexit, n’oubliez pas de mettre vos écouteurs et de lancer la playlist du roman, aussi originale qu’éclectique : de Wuthering Heights de Kate Bush à Starmania, en passant par Françoise Hardy ou Queen, le régal est total. (Claire) (Translation)


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