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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ahram Online (Egypt) interviews the writer Sahar al-Mougy:
Novelist and university professor Sahar al-Mougy waltzes between different times and places effortlessly in her latest novel [Misk al-Tal (Musk of the Hill)]. A thorough reflection of life, its three main characters move forward in a sort of harmonious chaos. Despite being fiction, she explains, the main characters of the novel reflect the background of the novelist. Amina, taken from the Trilogy by Naguib Mahfouz, Catherine, taken from UK novelist Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, and Mariam, a modern day psychiatrist, these women were often the topic of studies on al-Mougy's own creative journey. (Amira El-Noshokaty)
The Newton Kansan echoes the Bethel College Thresher Awards which were announced virtually:
Presenting a Thresher Award in English to Justice Flint, of Wichita, professor Brad Born said Flint "demonstrate(d) a unique combination of intellectual vigor, creative thinking and deep engagement with literature. Her formal written scholarship has been exceptional."
In the prospectus for her senior thesis, on "Christian Independence in Jane Eyre," Flint "promised that her scholarship would foreground ‘the theological commitment of its author and the surprising ways in which her heroine negotiates the tensions of being a gifted and independent-minded woman who is also devout and sincere in her faith,’ " Born said. "Those words aptly describe Justice herself."
Dave Stewart shares his personal playlist on Spin, which includes:
Wide Sargasso Sea” – Stevie Nicks
A song I wrote with Stevie in her house whilst making her album In Your Dreams. That whole experience would need a novel to explain. 
In case you are wondering, the title of this post comes from the lyrics of that very nice song, greatly underappreciated.

News Lagoon makes a spectacular blunder on a list of the best psychological thrillers movies, including:
Oh, hi again, Hitchcock. This movie won the Academy Award for Best Picture and it’s easy to see why. Rebecca leans into the whole “haunted memory of a dude’s first wife low-key haunts his new wife” trope (similar to Jane Austen’s Jane Eyre (MEGASIC)), and the plot is absolutely wild.
Le Monde (France) explores the world of English embroidery:
Aujourd’hui, la broderie anglaise est chantée par de nombreux créateurs : blouse, chemisier, robe de jour façon déshabillé ou robe de poupée grandeur nature, la toilette d’antan refait surface comme un hommage à ces femmes des XIXe et XXe siècles à la sensibilité éprouvée par la prose émancipatrice de Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë ou Virginia Woolf. (Gonzague Dupleix) (Translation)
Artistik Rezo (France) interviews the musical artist Zita Garnier:
Tamika Couedor: Si vous deviez être un album lequel seriez-vous ?
Z.G.: Si je devais être un album je serais un mix entre l’album Musicology de Prince, AS I AM d’Alicia Keys, et Wuthering Heights de Kate Bush. Un peu de Human Nature de Michael Jackson mais ça c’est une chanson, mais si ma personnalité pouvais être un album ça serait vraiment Musicology. (Translation)
Latestly (India) lists a Charlotte Brontë quote on a compilation of  'positive quotes of happiness'. Several websites announce that Jane Eyre 2011 will available next month on HBO Max.


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