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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday, June 20, 2020 11:42 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
The Guardian has asked several writers to recommend 'Books to help you escape lockdown'.
Mark Haddon
I’m going to send you in search of two recent graphic novels, Glass Town by Isabel Greenberg and Dragman by Steven Appleby, respectively a playful, creative scrambling of the works and lives of the Brontë siblings and a heartwarming superhero caper underpinned and given a real emotional punch by Appleby’s own trans journey.
Visit The New Lens for the rest of the story.
The New Lens (China) features Wuthering Heights (which translated back into English is delightfully called 'Roaring Mountain') and includes a lovely cartoon summing up the novel for which you don't need to speak Chinese. Btw, it's just us or this Heathcliff bears a strange resemblance to Kim Jong-un?

Chicago Tribune shares the 2020 Algren Award finalist: ‘Winner Winner’ by Becky Mandelbaum:
Inside, Wilson was holding a beer to his forehead. “This student thinks Jane Austin (sic) wrote Wuthering Heights.
Coleraine Times (Northern Ireland) interviews a local musical director.
Q. What ‘classic’ just doesn’t do it for you?
A. I wasn’t a big fan of Jane Eyre when I read it as a teenager. I found it rather hard to relate to anything that was happening, and it wasn’t my type of genre that I would normally have read. The National Theatre at Home have been putting shows online throughout lockdown and they showed their version of Jane Eyre from 2017. It felt like a completely different story from when I read it as a teenager. So, the book didn’t captivate me, but the play was a winner. (Una Culkin)
Yorkshire Live shares the backlash on Twitter that followed the comments on Scarborough made by a Bradford MP.
Addressing the house, Ms Shah said: "It's not a laughing matter for children to be raised in poverty and not have food.
"Because let me explain what it's like. I'm happy to explain what it's like to members opposite who think it's funny.
"What it's like to live in poverty is when you're palmed off as a child like I was to social services to go away to Scarborough for a week like I did. The only memories I have of that time are I used to go bird watching. It was awfully cold and staying in a dormitory. [...]
Another wrote: "What is wrong with going to Scarborough? It’s a beautiful place; it has a historic castle, stunning sea views and one of the legendary Bronte sisters - Anne Bronte- is buried there. Personally, I’m looking forward to going there again." (Charles Gray)
A contributor to The Independent is looking forward to going back to the cinema.
Don’t test me on this, but I remember the cinemas I’ve sat in as much as I do the films I saw in them. [...] I remember Moonlight at Curzon Mayfair and Wuthering Heights at Soho, Control at the Manchester Printworks and Inherent Vice at the Covent Garden Odeon (and then again at the Ritzy). (Ryan Hewitt)
Penguin recommends '15 songs about books for your summer playlist', including
Wuthering Heights’ by Kate Bush
Not every song needs to be an upbeat bop; any well-rounded summer playlist also needs something you can wail along to, loudly. Inspired, obviously, by the tale of (super angsty and high-maintenance) lovers Heathcliff and Cathy from the Emily Brontë novel of the same name, Kate Bush’s ‘Wuthering Heights’ is that song. Told from the point of view of Cathy, the song references the worst qualities she and Heathcliff display in the novel, and that arguably is a major factor in their doomed love story (“You had a temper like my jealousy”). Its lyrics evoke the bleakness of the Yorkshire Moors – the setting of Brontë’s novel – and the fact that (spoiler alert) Cathy’s ghost spends the afterlife searching for Heathcliff: “Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy / I’ve come home, I’m so cold / Let me in through your window”, she sings. There’s no better time to listen to this absolute tune than when you’re cocooned in the heat of a summer’s day.
YourTango shares '100 Breakup Quotes For Him To See Just How Much You Miss Being Together' including one from Jane Eyre and another from Wuthering Heights.


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