
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Friday, June 19, 2020

Here's an appropriate image: Keighley News reports that the clock in St Michael and All Angels has not worked since March, but will start working again at 11.30am on Sunday.
The historic four-faced clock in the tower of the village's parish church has not worked since late March, when the volunteer responsible for winding the timepiece had to go into self-isolation.
But Jens Hislop, who has looked after the clock on behalf of the church for years, is to once again climb the tower staircase and will bring the mechanism back to life.
It is anticipated the clock's chimes will start ringing out across the village again at 11.30am on Sunday.
The clock has been part of the tower for almost 150 years.
Like other places of worship across the country, Haworth Parish Church – famously associated with the Brontës and where most of the family is interred – has been closed during the coronavirus lockdown.
However, it will be reopening ­– on a limited basis – from Monday.
Anyone wanting to spend time observing private contemplation and prayer will be able to access the church between 6pm and 8pm on Mondays and 11am and 1pm on Fridays.
The Rev Peter Mullins, rector of the Haworth and Cross Roads Benefice, said: "Haworth Parish Church is normally left open all day and is heavily visited as the burial place of Charlotte and Emily Brontë in particular.
"But Government regulations for reopening for private prayer specifically say we cannot open for tourists, so handling this is a particular challenge for us.
"Nevertheless, we are delighted that we are once again able to offer the opportunity for people who feel the need to pray to have some time within the church." (Alistair Shand)
The Independent claims that,
At the start of their careers Charlotte, Anne and Emily Bronte all took male pseudonyms – Currer, Acton and Ellis Bell respectively – after poet laureate Robert Southey told Charlotte that “literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life”. (Emma Lee-Potter)
Nearly ten years and many things passed between Southey's letter in 1837 and the publication of the Brontës' poems under pseudonyms in 1846. It wasn't a direct consequence.

The New York Times asks bookish questions to poet Wayne Koestenbaum.
How have your reading tastes changed over time? When I was younger, I craved novels: “Jane Eyre” and “Sons and Lovers” schooled me in ambivalence, flame, escape. Now, I read more poetry and nonfiction. I seek out books that are odd, unpopular and reticent. But a fluent novel — especially a monologue, in the maniacal mode of Thomas Bernhard — can still sock it to me.
The Edge (Singapore) recommends love stories such as
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
English author Charlotte Brontë's most beloved, and indeed most popular novel tells of the love between the indomitable orphan, Jane Eyre and her employer, the mysterious and dashing Edward Fairfax Rochester. Even though she has had a lonely and cruel childhood, often abused by those whom she trusts, her heart and courage never failed, and when she falls in love with Rochester, his dark past comes back to haunt them both.
Published in 1847 under the pen name Currer Bell, the story of Jane has captivated its readers with its moving and unforgettable portrayal of a woman far ahead of her times; trapped by the constraints of her station in life yet never succumbing to those who would break her spirit. Its first-person narrative was a standout at the time it was published, and it has endured through the centuries as a truly outstanding tale of a woman’s quest for respect and empowerment. (Pauline Wong)
Sapo Viagens (Portugal) recommends books that give way to trips to the UK such as Wuthering Heights.
3. O Monte Dos Vendavais, Haworth
A aldeia de Haworth, em Yorkshire, e os pântanos ao seu redor são famosos por serem o lar das irmãs Brontë. Para Emily Brontë a região foi fonte de inspiração para "O Monte dos Vendavais" (Wuthering Heights) de 1847.
Hoje a casa da família tornou-se num museu, onde estão expostos itens pessoais como a mesa onde Emily escrevia. Nas proximidades fica a Cascata Brontë, conhecida por ser o local favorito da família. (Susana Krauss) (Translation)
A SyFy Wire contributor lists the burning questions which she hopes to find answers to in Stephenie Meyer's forthcoming Midnight Sun.
14. How did he kill time while Bella was dress shopping with Angela and Jessica? Did he go to the indie bookshops to find a vintage copy of Wuthering Heights? (Zoraida Córdova)
El Periódico (Spain) lists the Brontës among other writers who have died from TB. Pity about the blunder even after actually having been to the Brontë Parsonage Museum:
Hace un año, en un verano más feliz y desconfinado, visité en la localidad inglesa de Haworth el caserón donde vivieron las hermanas Brontë, hoy convertido en museo para el goce mitómano. En una de las vitrinas se exhibía sin pudor, como una reliquia laica, un pañuelo manchado con la sangre de Emily (‘Cumbres borrascosas’), fallecida de tuberculosis en 1848, la misma enfermedad que se llevó a Anne, la pequeña, justo un año después. ¡Ah, la tisis! Llamada también consunción, peste blanca o enfermedad del mal vivir, fue la dolencia por antonomasia del siglo XIX. El romanticismo la elevó a categoría mítica. (Olga Merino) (Translation)
Sorry to spoil the Anne-doesn't-even-need-her-novels-mentioned vibe but the handkerchief seen by the writer was actually Anne's (Agnes Grey, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall). We have always found it so poignant that we would have thought that the name would stick. Apparently not.

Also in Spain, this year's Princesa de Asturias award has been given to poet Anne Carson and so a few sites mention that she's quite a Brontëite. From El Español:
Su voz saturada de voces; sus textos sudando cientos de referencias culturales: Anne Carson es imposible de alcanzar, erudita e irónica, sutil siempre. En sus yemas están los amigos de siempre: Woolf y Proust, Lispector y Kant, Keats, Keats, mucho Keats, y las hermanas Brontë. (Lorena G. Maldonado) (Translation)
Then it goes on to quote from a Spanish translation of The Glass Essay:
She lives on a moor in the north.
She lives alone.
Spring opens like a blade there.
I travel all day on trains and bring a lot of books—
some for my mother, some for me
including The Collected Works Of Emily Brontë.
This is my favourite author.
Also my main fear, which I mean to confront.
Whenever I visit my mother
I feel I am turning into Emily Brontë,
my lonely life around me like a moor,
my ungainly body stumping over the mud flats with a look of transformation
that dies when I come in the kitchen door.
What meat is it, Emily, we need?
Also in ABC.
Su vida, claro, también se ha filtrado en su escritura. Su relación con su madre aparece reflejada en «The Glass Essay», pero lo hace a la vez que disecciona la figura de Emily Brontë, entre otros intereses literarios. Esa es, sin duda, otra de las características de su obra: las múltiples referencias literarias, desde los mitos griegos hasta Keats o Paul Celan. (Juan Carlos Delgado) (Translation)


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