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Friday, February 07, 2020

Friday, February 07, 2020 10:55 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
Stevie Davies reviews the novel Love and Other Thought Experiments by Sophie Ward in The Guardian.
An epigraph quotes Catherine Earnshaw’s famous speech in Wuthering Heights describing dreams that “have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind”. In Love and Other Thought Experiments, Ward proposes to alter the colour of her readers’ minds.
Country Life features another book: The Scoundrel Harry Larkyns by Rebecca Gowers.
The fantastical twists and turns in Larkyns’s later life are brilliantly, and coolly, recovered by the author, who also draws on analogous experiences of, say, The Brontë sisters in a Brussels school, Walter Dickens in the Indian Army or R. L. Stevenson on the emigrant trail. (Jason Goodwin)
CBC has writer Megan Gail Coles share the books she loved reading.
The Brontës, sisters Charlotte, Emily, and Anne, were a 19th-century literary family whose novels have become classics.
 "After I moved to 'town' — that's what we call St. John's — I had a much greater access to literature because I was at university doing an English literature degree. So I spent a lot of time with the Brontës.
"Wuthering Heights was influential in that it taught me all the wrong ways to be loved as a young person. I read Jane Eyre and all those texts that are part of our shared literary heritage."
The Visitor recommends the book She is Fierce: Brave, Bold and Beautiful Poems by Women by
Ana Sampson for age 10 plus readers.
At a time when women’s equality is by no means done and dusted, Sampson highlights not just the beauty of women’s poetry but the fierce, brave and bold flame that burns brightly in their words as they take their rightful place in what for too long was regarded as the ‘male’ arena of literature.
Over the centuries, many women have written poems but didn’t dare publish them, and others, like George Eliot and the Brontë sisters, published their work under male pseudonyms. (Pam Norfolk)
Scifi Pulse reviews Adler #1 by Lavie Tidhar and Paul McCaffery.
Lavie Tidhar has hit on a brilliant idea here in regards to having Irene Adler head up a League of Extraordinary gentlewomen. She does a brilliant job of introducing the main characters which are Irene Adler, Jane Eyre, Lady Havisham, Ayesha the Amazon Queen, Orphan Annie, and, Carmilla. Orphan Annie doesn’t get anything to do in this issue as the majority of it was spent on introducing us to Jane, Irene, and Estella. But we do get a little bit of an introduction for Ayesha and Carmilla who are worried about Irene handing over certain papers to Moriarty, which can only mean that the stage is being set for an interesting first meeting for Irene and the Amazon Queen.
The writing in this comic is wonderful. And I really enjoyed the sequence where Irene first meets Jane and does the classic Sherlock Holmes thing of deducing the most recent events in Janes’s life by way of introduction.
I’m looking forward to seeing what issue two has to offer next month because this is a really strong start. (Ian Cullen)
Apparently, Galentine's Day gifts and a thing and Your Tango recommends giving a Brontë mug as a present.
18. Literary Mugs
These charming stoneware mugs are covered in quotes and phrases from iconic writers, like little sips of the world's great books. From Jane Austen to the Brontë Sisters to Lewis Carroll and Edgar Allen Poe, these mugs provide the perfect punctuation to your early morning, coffee break, or winding down routine. (Aly Walansky)
Blahzinga (Brazil) lists Charlotte Brontë as one of five women writers who 'broke the rules of their time'.
1. Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855)
Esta escritora inglesa não é apenas um dos principais nomes da Era Vitoriana, Charlotte Brontë e suas irmãs Emily e Anne são referência na literatura até os dias de hoje. Em 1847 elas publicaram Jane Eyre, O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes e Agnes Grey, mas o caminho de Charlotte não foi fácil até aqui. Ela perdeu a mãe e as irmãs caçulas muito cedo, e trabalhou como governanta e professora antes de investir na carreira literária.
Antes dos sucessos mencionados, ela e as irmãs lançaram uma coletânea de poemas sob pseudônimos masculinos (algo muito comum naquela época), mas que foi um fracasso de vendas. Além disso, seu romance O Professor foi rejeitado para publicação. Graças à perseverança das três irmãs, elas tiveram seus maiores sucessos publicados no ano seguinte e abalaram a cena literária Vitoriana. Charlotte morreu jovem, aos 38 anos, em função de complicações na gestação.
Seu conto em Vitorianas Macabras é datado de 1833, muito antes do reconhecimento da escritora. Em Napoleão e o Espectro ela narra uma assustadora história em que uma estranha aparição perturba o sono de Napoleão Bonaparte. (Leandro Stenlånd) (Translation)
The Eyre Guide reviews the adaptation of Jane Eyre made by Spanish TV in 1971.


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