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Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020 7:31 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Entertainment Focus wonders, 'What are Timothy Dalton’s top 15 roles outside of James Bond?'
10. Jane Eyre (1983)
In one of the earlier editions of board game Trivial Pursuit, a question posed was: “Which James Bond actor played Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre?” Although the other Bonds had considerable acting merits, a moment’s thought reveals that only Timothy Dalton could possibly have played a literary hero (Moore was excellent as Ivanhoe, but the part was swashbuckling rather than literary). The production is dated: the videotape medium on which the studio work was shot looks cheap now, though it was of course standard at the time. If you can look beyond the theatrical nature of TV drama of that era, the production is very good. Dalton is at his glowering, saturnine best as arguably the greatest and most memorable of the Brontë anti-heroes. (Greg Jameson)
Cultural Gutter also roots for Timothy Dalton's Rochester.
It isn’t so much about how much or how little Dalton resembles the description of Rochester in the novel, though on rereading he does better than you’d think. It’s about the performance. I am looking for someone who is presents the emotional truth of the character—even in unfaithful adaptations. Despite his smolder, Dalton finds a sweetspot in which Rochester is appealing and vulnerable, while thundering around and doing the sketchy things Rochester does. His Rochester is more complicated than a shouting, petulant man or even a pirate werewolf. Dalton conveys a longing that is unusual, a vulnerability in a character that is rarely portrayed as vulnerable, and a fear not as much about as losing the life he believes he is entitled to as a fear that Jane does not reciprocate his love when he is feeling love for the first time late in life. And this raw performance is what keeps me in the narrative when there is lying, manipulation, and a wife in a secret room. It is not an easy thing to do, but Dalton does it. And it’s a feat easy to ignore not only because he is not considered ugly enough to play Rochester, but because the acting talents of leading men in the prime of their prettiness can be easily ignored. But Dalton accomplishes it, his appearance be damned. Dalton’s hotness becomes an argument for actively working to suspend your own disbelief. It is an argument for being open to something new, something we could not have imagined. Even if it means something as simple as accepting for the purposes of this story, Timothy Dalton is ugly. Yes, there are things that can catch and make the suspension of disbelief difficult or, sometimes, even impossible. But the unexpected and wondrous, the amazing and fantastic is out there waiting for us. We just have to be open to it. It is worth doing the work of suspending our own damn disbelief. (Carol)
The Swaddle is proud to have 'made some tongue-in-cheek feminist additions to the Proust Questionnaire', such as
Are you a Jo March or a Jane Eyre? (Aditi Murti)
AnneBrontë.org has a post on the recent Anne Brontë's bicentenary celebrations. The Brontë Babe Blog tackles trolls by quoting Charlotte Brontë's wise words.


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