The Guardian reviews
Shame on Me. An anatomy of race and belonging by Tessa McWatt:
The adolescent Tessa is reading Jane Eyre (Eyre is her mother’s maiden name). She comes across the description of Rochester’s first wife, the Jamaican creole Bertha Mason, her “lips swelled and dark”. Later a man, kissing Tessa, bites gently on her “exotic” lower lip. (Barbara Taylor)
The memoir is full of this inner tension between the Jane and the Bertha inside the author's upbringing in Guyana with plenty of references to
Jane Eyre and
Wide Sargasso Sea:
I carried a copy of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre in my backpack. I identified with Jane’s orphan status, despite the fact that I was part of a huge, close and connected extended family through my father’s six siblings and my mother’s three brothers, not to mention the legions of aunties, uncles and cousins from Guyana who were not blood relations. But an orphan is someone without a sense of continuity, and that was me — partly because of my confusion about what I was, but also inherent in the writer I was becoming. I identified with Jane’s fiery will in the red room, her desire for independence and her insistence upon the truth. ‘I am no bird,’ she says, ‘and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.’
And so was I.
Insider is visiting Liechtenstein:
Always an avid reader, my first thoughts of the persistent fog was how similar it was to its description in some of my favorite gothic novels, like Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre," Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," Bram Stoker's "Dracula," or even Robert Louis Stevenson's "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde." (Ben Mack)
Orlando Business Journal interviews Alyse Quinn of Big Vision LLC:
What's on my reading list right now: "Jane Eyre." I want to brush up on the classics and have always enjoyed the story. (Anjali Fluker)
The Salisbury Post interviews the new director of Rowan Public Library:
Favorite novel: She’s reread Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” the most. “I’ve read everything Jane Austen has written. You can’t deny how good her writing is.” She has read all the novels by the Brontë sisters, as well. (Deirdre Smith)
Emily Brontë mentioned in an article about the last football game of S.S.C. Napoli in
TuttoNapoli (Italy):
Due uomini che passeggiano su un filo molto sottile. Equilibristi alle prese con emozioni divergenti, Insigne e Gattuso si abbracciano al fischio finale. Uno scontro quasi rabbioso, di due cuori nella tormenta, Cime Tempestose che sembrano uscite dalla penna di Emily Brontë. Fili che cercano di ricomporsi, ritrovarsi, per stringere un legame che è l’unica strada da imbeccare per uscire dalla burrasca e ritagliarsi un futuro di maggiore stabilità. (Arturo Minervini) (Translation)
Cheek Magazine (France) reviews Greta Gerwig's take on
Little Women:
Le grenier, omniprésent, et les mentions aux sœurs Brontë, rappellent l’essai féministe majeur de Sandra Gilbert et Susan Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic (1979)(littéralement: La Folle dans le grenier), qui théorise non seulement les personnages féminins dans l’histoire de la littérature mais qui analyse aussi la place des autrices à l’ère victorienne. (Pauline Le Gall) (Translation)
TuaCityMag (Italy) includes
Wuthering Heights as a book to be read in Christmas:
“Rileggo Cime tempestose ogni Natale, è il mio libro preferito”, lo diceva Sandra Bullock a Ryan Reynolds in una delle più dolci commedie romantiche di Hollywood, “Ricatto d’amore”. Prendiamo ispirazione da lei per parlare di una lettura che stringe insieme passione, gelosia e vendetta realizzando la turbolenta storia d’amore di Heatcliff e Catherine. Un amore che nasce nell’infanzia e cresce più solido e terribile in età adulta, fino a portare i due protagonisti alla pazzia. Intorno ai loro cuori in tumulto il freddo della brughiera inglese dello Yorkshire e il languido paesaggio della dimora di famiglia. Necessario ai sognatori inguaribili, ma sopratutto a chi non lo è più. (Gloria Frezza) (Translation)
The Telegraph & Argus publishes pictures of Haworth's nativity weekend.
Milenio (México) recommends Charlotte and Emily Brontë's novels as Christmas gifts.
Kino veeb (Estonia) lists
Jane Eyre as one of the films that have been remade more often.
Minerva Reads reviews a dyslexia-friendly retelling of
Jane Eyre that will be published next month.
Leituras, vida & paixões reviews the Brazilian edition of
The Lost Manuscripts.
AnneBrontë.org celebrates Christmas and Emily Brontë.
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