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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 12:30 am by M. in    No comments
New Brontë-related scholar works:
The Peculiarities of a Female Protagonist in Anne Brontë's Epistolary Novel
Juan de Dios Torralbo Caballero and Violeta Janulevičienė
Folia Linguistica et Litteraria 27, 2019

Abstract: This paper offers a study of the less known today and less analysed epistolary novel by Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. It focuses on the instances of female protagonist's unconventional behaviour according to the existing societal norms of the Victorian era. The research aims at pointing out the reasons modifying heroine’s behaviour and analysis of the reactions that the protagonist’s acts of nonconformity elicits in other characters of the novel. The undertaken study is believed to raise awareness of less studied Brontë sisters works in university literature and gender studies courses, as it touches upon the emerging issues of the female strength in the Victorian society.
The Victorian Rebel: the Working Woman's Independence in Jane Eyre, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Far from the Madding Crowd
Campman, Nadine
MA, Leiden University

This MA thesis explores the independence of the working heroines in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre (1847), Anne Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848), and Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd (1874). The heroines establish and maintain their independence by performing the profession of governess, artist, or farmer, while the love interests threaten the women's independence by encroaching upon their professions. This thesis shows that all three novels are simultaneously ahead of their time in relation to the working women and very much of their time in relation to Victorian conventions.
O morro dos ventos uivantes: a vingança e a redenção em Heathcliff
Oliveira, Priscila Soares de
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Letras)- Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, 2019

O presente trabalho tem por finalidade analisar os motivos e o plano de vingança da personagem Heathcliff presentes na obra O Morro dos ventos uivantes, único romance escrito pela autora inglesa Emily Brontë, de forma que traremos elementos da obra como percurso acerca da problemática aqui abordada. Observaremos o desfecho do plano da personagem, bem como se o mesmo obteve êxito ou não. Para tanto, utilizamos o seguinte arcabouço teórico: Durão (2015), Cevasco e Siqueira (1985), Vasconcelos (2002), Schwantes (2015), Selden (1993), White (1998), Dias (2007; 2012), Bataille (2015), Genette (1979), Watt (2007), Brait (1985), Forster (2005), Cândido (2007), Anspach (2012) e Lambert & Lambert (1964). A partir das considerações desses pesquisadores e do estudo aqui desenvolvido, pôde-se observar a forma como Heathcliff se vinga das pessoas que o magoaram e o seu momento de redenção ao término do romance.


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