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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 7:50 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The New European shares the speech by Labour deputy leader Tom Watson hosted by the Centre for European Reform.
Yes, it's the nation of Shakespeare and Byron, who died fighting for Greece in their war of independence, and Mary Shelley who conceived of Frankenstein in Geneva, and Charlotte Brontë, whose novel Villette was based on her time teaching at a Brussels school and Keats, whose life and death in Rome is celebrated at the foot of the Spanish steps.
Le Parisien (France) interviews Augustin Trapenard:
Relire plusieurs fois un même livre. « On n’en parle jamais, pourtant, c’est une activité majeure. Quand on relit une oeuvre, on en fait un classique. J’ai dû lire une vingtaine de fois Les Hauts de Hurlevent, d’Emily Brontë, et, à chaque fois, j’y ai découvert une dimension qui m’avait échappé. » (Yves Derai) (Translation)
Firenze Today (Italy) has an article on the Maturità 2019 exams.
Gli anniversari. Spesso escono delle tracce sulla base delle ricorrenze storiche che hanno un particolare valore nel 2019. Il sito Studenti.it ne segnala diversi: [...]
7. 170 [actually 171] anni dalla morte di Emily Brontë, autrice del romanzo Cime Tempestose, Wuthering Heights, pubblicato nel 1847. Il romanzo è conosciuto come una delle opere più importanti del romanticismo inglese in cui l'autrice mette in luce l'oscurità dei personaggi e il rapporto di questi con la natura. (Translation)
Craven Herald & Pioneer features the end of year show of Craven College.
Work by fine art students cover themes including ‘mental health’, ‘secret garden’, and ‘disused railways’; while theatrical and make up students present a ‘cabinet of hands’ and a ‘Jane Eyre Collection of Wigs’. (Lesley Tate)
NME puts Pauline Black, lead singer of The Selecter, to the test about his own career.
8: Who once reviewed ‘On The Radio’ on Radio 1 and compared your vocals to ‘Wuthering Heights’?“Well, that’s easy isn’t it? Kate Bush!”
CORRECT. (Gary Ryan)


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