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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Saturday, June 01, 2019 12:30 am by M. in    No comments
A new production of Jen Silverman's The Moors is being performed in Catskill, New York:

The Moors
by Jen Silverman
A Bridge Street Theatre Production
May 30 – June 9

with April Armstrong, Bonnie Black, Lori Evans, Kate McMorran, Molly Parker Myers, and Shane Sczepankowsi
Directed by Tracy Liz Miller
Sets and Lights – John Sowle
Costumes – Jennifer Anderson, assisted by Michell Rogers
Sound Design – Steven Patterson
Sound Engineer – Carmen Borgia
Stage Manager – Joshua Martin
Stage Crew – Delia Darling, Meeghan Darling

Two spinster sisters, their possibly schizophrenic maid, and a melancholy and philosophical mastiff spend their days and nights dreaming of love and power in a ruinous old estate on the desolate, fog-enshrouded English heath (though, oddly, all of them seem to speak with American accents, including the dog). When the arrival of a hapless governess (even though no children are in evidence) and a crash-prone moor hen upset the already precarious balance of the household, romances bloom, alliances are formed, lies are unmasked, loyalties shift, and the tension mounts until finally – someone reaches the breaking point!
EDIT: The Albany Times-Union reviews the production:
 It is hard to overstate how many ways a production of "The Moors" could go wrong, given Silverman's revisionist, feminist-minded mash-up of the Brontes, Gothic fiction, Sherlock Holmes and film noir. But the tone — as realized by Tracy Liz Miller, a six-member cast and designers who know how to make use of Bridge Street's space — is exactly right, from Shane Sczepankowski's mopey mastiff to the marvelously imperious and peremptory tone April Armstrong brings to the house's elder sister, Agatha. (Steve Barnes)


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