
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 10:50 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
Let's start with a question from The Times' quiz:
13 Who wrote “All my life’s bliss is in the grave with thee” in her 1846 poem Remembrance?
Brie Larsson answered readers' questions on Stylist:
Who were the female role models you admired growing up? @beebambruce
I loved the Spice Girls and the Dixie Chicks, along with writers like Sylvia Plath, Gertrude Stein, Emily Dickinson and the Brontë sisters. (Helen Bownass)
The Hollywood News interviews director Danishka Estherhazy about her film Level 16.
When watching the film I got a very strong sort of Young Adult adaptation vibe and yet it’s not based on a novel, where did the idea come from? Well it’s really kind of amusing for me because when I wrote this story, over a decade ago, the Young Adult movie experience hadn’t really happened. The Hunger Games had not come out, Twilight had not come out, so when I was writing this I didn’t really have that in mind at all. I was thinking more I think of classic science-fiction that deals with stories of children and young adults. I think I was thinking of concepts like Ender’s Game. One of the big inspirations that fed into my writing of this story was actually the first part of the novel Jane Eyre that takes place in the Lowood Orphanage for Girls. I really loved the way that that backstory unfolded between Jane and Helen in that Brontë novel. I thought I’d really like to tell a science-fiction about young women and set it in a school set environment, I thought that was a really interesting story. But I wasn’t trying to tap into any sort of Young Adult novels or marketing. Then, by the time this film actually got made, that is a genre that people are really familiar and so it’s been labelled as Young Adult, which is fine, it just wasn’t one of my goals. (Kat Hughes)
A contributor to Book Riot writes a 'love letter to a cluttered used bookstore'.
It was where I purchased my favorite copy of Lord of The Rings, and my very first tattered edition of Jane Eyre, which passed back and forth from my best friend and me. (Gretchen Lida)
You don't need the Brontës to justify the sheer beauty of the Lake District and yet Red Brick claims (mistakenly) that,
it is no wonder that the likes of the Brontë sisters were inspired to set their famous romance novels in such a place. (Alice Landray)
Beware of spoilers on this article from The Daily Californian on the season 3 finale of True Detective.
This is where the show goes full gothic, with a batshit solution that’s right out of a Brontë novel. (Camryn Bell)
Louder has guitarist Vivian Campbell pick 10 records that changed her life. One of them is
Kate Bush – The Kick Inside (EMI, 1978)
“I know this isn't strictly rock. But she was someone I had a teenage crush on. I saw her on Top Of The Pops and loved what she did on Wuthering Heights. That was unlike anything I'd ever heard before.
"I was mesmerised by her voice as well, even though my mum hated it. Kate Bush had a unique sound and to this day I am a big fan of hers.” (Malcolm Dome)
ABC's Overnights (Australia) has a podcast on the Brontë sisters


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