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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Saturday, December 29, 2018 12:30 am by M. in , ,    5 comments
Today, December 29th in Channel 4:
The Secret World of Emily Brontë
Channel 4, Sat 29 Dec, 6.05pm

Presenter Lily Cole
Director Liz Friend
Executive Producer Angus MacQueen
Producer Liz Friend

Two hundred years after the author's birth, Lily Cole - an admirer of Bronte's work - explores her world and the groundbreaking novel she produced, Wuthering Heights. Given that Bronte had to publish her book under the androgynous pseudonym Ellis Bell, Cole goes on to consider the parallels in terms of contemporary women's ongoing struggle to achieve equal pay, recognition and opportunity in their chosen profession.


  1. When we will be able to see this program in the u.s.

  2. I looked forward to this programme only to find it was The Lily Cole Show. It told me nothing new about Emily Bronte but it did show me Ms Coles extensive wardrobe: a different outfit every five minutes! Very disappointing.

  3. I agree. This programme was nothing more than a platform for her political views and a pathetic exercise in self-promotion. The Brontes must be turning in their graves.

  4. I liked her approach. This was IMHO a personal journey of discovery that I find interesting and enjoyable.

  5. As this post is attracting hate comments and professional trolls, we have deleted the offensive ones and we have closed the possibility of more comments.
