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Thursday, December 06, 2018

BlouinArtInfo talks about the upcoming musical version of Roald Dahl's "The Enormous Crocodile” by Isabelle Aboulkerat at the Paris’ Radio France Auditorium:
In her version of “The Enormous Crocodile,” Aboulker has re-imagined Dahl’s story with a girl sitting by the side of the lake on a hot summer day, as she often did during her holidays. She preferred to isolate herself to the south, and read her favorite authors- Dickens, Brontë or Austen.
The Times of India talks about the Times Literature Festival in Delhi, India:
Day one of the fourth edition of the Times Literature Festival ended on a high note as Henry Eliot’s talk on ‘Classics the World is Reading’ received a full house attendance. Through his talk, Eliot, author of ‘The Penguin Classics Book’ and Creative Editor of Penguin Classics in the UK, took the audience on a literary tour of around 4000 years of classics in a session that lasted for 40 minutes. (...)
With 19th century romanticism, literature started to become dark and the American novel ‘Moby-Dick’ is an example of it. But Eliot’s book recommendation from this era is the 1847 classic ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Brontë. (Surabhi Rawat)
Bollywood Life asks for a second season of Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi:
 And today is the day when we talk about Colors' popular daily soap Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi. The show started in 2014 and aired for a total of two years. Inspired by Wuthering Heights, a novel by Emily Brontë, the series made TV actor Shakti Arora and Radhika Madan big names in the industry. To such an extent that Madan even signed two films in Bollywood after it. With around 446 episodes, the romance between Ranveer and Ishani, characters played by Shakti and Radhika respectively, went on to become a rage. 
A recent student production in The New Orleans Advocate:
Remarkable women throughout history came to life recently at Mount Carmel Academy’s “Living HERstory Biographical Celebration." Fifty students took an active role in the event, each choosing a historically significant woman to research. Students told their subject’s story, sharing information about her to classmates in creative and interactive ways. The women portrayed included Sonia Sotomayor, Nellie Bly, Elizabeth Tudor, Harriet Tubman, Agatha Christie, Marie Curie, the Brontë sisters, Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai and Ada Lovelace.
The Manchester Evening News mentions one of the Coronation Street plots that involved Wuthering Heights:
In one of their most memorable storylines earlier in their friendship an infatuated Mary kidnapped Norris in plot similar to the novel Misery.
And she fantasised about her and Norris being Weatherfield's answer to Heathcliffe (sic) and Cathy from Wuthering Heights. (Dianne Bourne)
The Stage publishes the obituary of the actor Andrew Burt:
He found early professional work in rep in Perth, Cheltenham and the Worthing Connaught, where his admired Heathcliff in a 1974 staging of Wuthering Heights prompted The Stage to note of his portrayal: “There are moments when [it] reaches great heights.” (Michael Quinn)
The Boar has some Christmas traditions for the book lover:
If exploring a new author or literary genre isn’t for them, people often re-read their favourite books during the Christmas period. Wuthering Heights is a classic for the run-up to Christmas, although I prefer Pride and Prejudice as my annual comfort read – but that’s a debate for another time. These are of course books which lack a festive theme despite their association to Christmas. (Jasmine Dhesi)
ElectricLit interviews Charlotte Whittle, the English translator of the Norah Lange novel, Personas en la sala:
Heather Cleary: Excellent. So, what is People in the Room about?
CW: The scenario is that a seventeen-year-old girl — the novel’s narrator — lives in a well-to-do suburb of Buenos Aires, and spends hours spying on three mysterious women, whom she assumes to be spinsters, and who live in the house opposite her own. One night, she is struck by the arresting image of their three faces arranged in the form of a “pale clover.” Lange said in an interview that the image came to her after she saw the famous portrait of the three pale-faced Brontë sisters by their brother Branwell, who erased himself, but whose ghostly outline can still be seen in the painting.
The Times interviews the author Barbara Taylor Bradford:
Amid much literary speculation attempting to root Bradford’s oeuvre within the traditions of the romantic poets and the Brontës, [Piers] Dudgeon came up with a scoop in his biography. Barbara’s mother was not just illegitimate, but her real father (Barbara’s grandfather) was very likely the Marquess of Ripon. I wonder how she had reacted to this exciting news. (Andrew Billen)
A press release from the Folkteatern (Göteborg, Sweden) announces the upcoming productions, including a Jane Eyre for next year:
Vårens premiär på Stora Scenen blir en helt ny dramatisering av den feministiska romanklassikern Jane Eyre av Charlotte Brontë. Regisserar gör Ragna Wei och för dramatiseringen står Tone Schunnesson, uppmärksammad för sin debutroman Tripprapporter från 2016.
För mig handlar Jane Eyre om flera saker. Viljan och längtan att slå sig fri och bli någon! Viljan att upptäcka sig själv och världen. Det handlar också om hur man balanserar att ge sig själv till någon annan utan att fullständigt att förlora sig. Sedan har Jane Eyre en mörkare sida, som är den riktigt intressanta, som handlar om att förvara och utplåna kvinnor som uppför sig, för tiden, oförklarligt, säger Tone Schunnesson.
Medverkar gör Andrea Edwards, Karin de Frumerie, Nina Jemth, Lena B Nilsson, Jonas Sjöqvist, Francisco Sobrado, Helmon Solomon och Emma Österlöf. Koreograf är Damjan Kecojevic och kompositör Chris Lancaster. Premiär för Jane Eyre blir det den 2 mars 2019.
Bon Dia (Andorra) mentions Charlotte Brontë in an opinion column:
El debat està obert i polaritzat, i com la Charlotte Brontë va escriure el 1847, “el convencionalisme no és moralitat. El fariseisme no és religió. Atacar una cosa no vol dir agredir l’altre”. Amb aquestes paraules s’obre la novel·la de John Irving [The Cider House Rules] amb aquestes paraules es tanca aquest escrit. (Elena Aranda) (Translation)
Coming Soon (Italy) reviews the film Colette:
Come ora in Colette, affresco biografico su una delle scrittrici di cui la Francia è più orgogliosa, femminista e in lotta per il riconoscimento del suo talento, raccontata in un film che potrebbe parlare di una delle sorelle Brontë, non fosse per l’epoca. (Mauro Donzelli) (Translation)
El Universal (México) goes a bit further than the traditional Cumbres Borrascosas description of the political summits:
Decido, entonces, divagar sobre la semana, contar cómo vienen las temáticas a los escritores. Lo primero ha sido Cumbres borrascosas, la novela inicialmente incomprendida de Emily Brontë, con su desgarrador juego de matryoshkas y hoy convertida en un clásico de la literatura inglesa. Apropiada para un encuentro de guerra económica, de desavenencias y de desplantes. Pero he aquí que de golpe todo se distiende, la cumbre fluye, los acuerdos aparecen. (Teódulo López Meléndez) (Translation)
Feminist books on Onedio (Turkey), like A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf:
Kendine Ait Bir Oda, Virginia Woolf'un 1928 yılında kapılarını kadınlara yeni yeni açmakta olan Cambridge Üniversitesi'ndeki kız öğrencilere hitaben yaptığı bir konuşması üzerine şekillenmiştir. İngiltere'de kadınların seçme ve seçilme hakkını elde etmelerinden bir yıl sonra yayımlanan kitap o tarihten günümüze feminizm tartışmalarının locus classicus'u olageldi. Jane Austen ve Charlotte Brontë'den, kadınların niçin bir Savaş ve Barış yazamadıklarına[.] (elainebenes) (Translation)
Christian Bookaholic reviews favourably The Other Wife by Juliet Bell; Psychologie's LifeLabs approaches the Brontës and Jane Eyre in a very simplistic way, in our opinion in Psychologies LifeLabs. The Eyre Guide continues analyzing the Jane Eyre manuscript.


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