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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Tuesday, December 25, 2018 12:31 am by M. in ,    No comments
Dear BrontëBlog readers,

One more year, we would like to send our warmest Christmas wishes. May Christmas be whatever you wish it to be. Brontëites do tend to always find a little Brontë something under the tree, but if that is not the case this year, you can always take your favourite Brontë book from the sheld and give yourself a Christmas present.

As 2018 has marked the bicentenary of Emily Brontë's birth, we would like to quote from one of her poems (A Little While, A Little While). With our very best wishes,
There is a spot, ‘mid barren hills,
Where winter howls, and driving rain;
But, if the dreary tempest chills,
There is a light that warms again.

The house is old, the trees are bare,
Moonless above bends twilight’s dome;
But what on earth is half so dear–
So longed for–as the hearth of home?
Picture:  Amanda White. Wild December, Top Withens (On sale at the Brontë Parsonage Museum Shop)


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