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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sunday, December 23, 2018 2:39 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
A couple of last-minute Christmas gifts:
First Edition Replicas Of "Jane Eyre": 3-Volume Set
Jane Eyre 3-Volume Book Set
Charles Winthrope & Sons for The Bradford Exchange Press

Authentic replicas of the first edition volumes of Charlotte Brontë's classic "Jane Eyre." FREE dust jackets and Collector's Secrets insert.

Like the titular heroine of "Jane Eyre", not much was expected of this first novel by an unknown author, Charlotte Bronte. Established publisher Smith, Elder and Co. provided it with a modest cloth binding and a tiny print run, thought to be only in the realm of 500 copies. Now, this rare presentation can be yours with this authentic First Edition Replica: Jane Eyre 3-Volume Book Set. Recreated in exquisite authentic detail by expert literary preservationists and publishers Charles Winthrope & Sons, this impressive book set is available exclusively from The Bradford Exchange Press. Acquiring original first editions of the "Jane Eyre" book set sells for over $100,000.00, but this American classic book set can be yours at a fraction of the price!
This recreated first edition book set of "Jane Eyre" is an exact replica of the rare 1847 first editions, boasting everything from the simple cover design and golden lettering on the spine. Plus, each book arrives with a FREE gold-embossed dust jacket to protect its heirloom value. This 3-volume "Jane Eyre" book set also includes a FREE exclusive "First Edition Collector's Secrets" insert filled with information about your book's original publication and printing, plus stories about the author and the times. Demand for these extraordinary First Edition replicas of Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is expected to be intense, so don't delay. 
(Via MisfitToys)

If you cannot afford it, there's still hope. A Wuthering Heights candle, maybe:
Fire & Fable
Vela - Cumbres Borrascosas
Inspirada en el libro Cumbres Borrascosas de Emily Brontë
¿A qué huele?
Maleza Salvaje  Lavanda, grosella negra y flor de azafrán.
Todo plantas, flores y frutos que aparecen continuamente en el libro.

Flores de Malva.

«¡Cuando vaya al infierno, este se volverá mil veces más horrible con su presencia!»

Vela de soja 100% natural, hecha a mano #vegan y #crueltyfree. No contiene aditivos, parafinas, ni colorantes . . . ¡No contamina y dura mucho más!
Todos los envases son reciclables, lavables y reutilizables. Lata de aluminio y frascos de cristal con tapadera metálica hermética.
La mecha es 100% algodón ecológico y la cera de soja presenta su coloración blanquecina natural. Este color varía dependiendo de las esencias utilizadas pero en ninguno de los casos utilizamos tintes ni pigmentos artificiales.
Para la decoración de las velas usamos purpurina o productos naturales, tales como cortezas de árboles, condimentos, especias o flores secas. (Translation)
(Via Librópatas


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