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Friday, November 23, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018 11:14 am by Cristina in , , , , , , , ,    No comments
In an article on William Shakespeare, The Conversation wonders,
Is there another author whose reputation could ever rival Shakespeare’s? Certainly not from the 16th century, nor the 17th. Perhaps Johnson or Swift from the 18th? Austen or a Brontë from the 19th? Woolf, Joyce or Hemingway from the 20th? There are contenders, to be sure, but no one has put Shakespeare in the shade.
And yet there is a problem with Shakespeare.
Thought to be the most authentic portrait of William Shakespeare.  Wiki Commons
Johnson, Austen, the Brontës, Woolf, Hemingway and Joyce all left behind evidence of their authorial lives. We can study diaries, letters, manuscripts, even juvenilia – a fulsome literary paper trail. With Shakespeare, though, the trail is meagre. (Stuart Kells)
According to DW (Germany), 
Gegen Denkerfalten kann man sich weniger wappnen. Die deutschsprachige Literatur basiert nun mal auf philosophischem und daher abstraktem Denken, das die Lektüre oft zu schwerer Kost macht. "Faust" zum Beispiel ist ein philosophisches Werk, das sich mühsamer liest als ein Liebesdrama wie "Jane Eyre". (Zhang Danhong) (Translation)
M de Mulher (Brazil) recommends buying Jane Eyre on Black Friday.
4. Jane Eyre (Biblioteca Áurea), por Charlotte Brontë
Está a fim de começar uma maratona clássicos da literatura mundial e não sabe por qual lugar começar? “Jane Eyre”, obra-prima da britânica Charlotte Brontë (sim, a irmã das também escritoras famosas Emily e Anne Brontë) é uma boa pedida. Revolucionário, é um dos primeiros livros a trazer uma protagonista mulher com sentimentos, vontades e atos completamente diferentes do tempo dela. Jane, que deve ter nascido aquariana, quando criança se torna órfã, vai morar com uma tia, mas é em um internato onde deve ficar boa parte da vida. Depois de adulta, consegue um emprego como governanta e, inevitavelmente, se apaixona pelo patrão. Leitura obrigatória para as romanticonas de carteirinha. (Lucas Castilho) (Translation)
Vice interviews 'the Twitter sensation who has lately taken the internet in her opal-ringed grasp', @BougieLitWoman,
Amid a busy schedule of skimming through pleasantly-browning Brontë editions and cooking hearty veggie stews from A Modern Way to Eat. (Lauren O'Neill)
Showbiz Junkies does a recap of Season 1 Episode 4 of Tell Me a Story.
During class, Kayla and Nick get into a debate over Catherine and Heathcliff’s relationship in Wuthering Heights. Kayla believes their relationship is unhealthy and pathetic, but Nick argues they’re in love. They have a healthy debate on the topic as the class listens in. (Rebecca Murray)
Bustle recommends a Brontë Sisters mug among other '24 Bookish Mugs To Gift To All Your Friends Who Love To Read With A Cup Of Tea'. Rachel Sutcliffe gives 4 out of 5 stars to Michael Stewart's Ill Will.

Finally, don't miss this preview of The Unthanks' lovely take on Emily Brontë's poems.


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