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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Houston Magazine interviews Jennifer Decker, artistic director of Mildred's Umbrella, who talks about the upcoming performances of Jen Silverman's The Moors in Houston:
This play—opening this week—ain’t Jane Eyre.
Mildred's Umbrella artistic director Jennifer Decker says it took her a while to warm up to The Moors, Jen Silverman’s dark comedy about women living along the mysterious, isolated 19th century English countryside. Think Brontë sisters novels. Only not. (...)
But make no mistake. The Moors isn’t some mashup retelling of Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights, even as it might evoke those novels. Nor is it a Brontë sister biography.
“It’s a celebration of their genius through a completely new story,” says Decker, who is also directing the show. “What fascinates me about them is that they lived in relative isolation growing up, and their lack of experience didn’t stifle their storytelling ability, but seemed to enhance it.” (Holly Beretto)
Vintage Travel Posters and other artwork celebrating PBS's Great American Read. Bustle is excited about it:
The designs will make anyone want to take a vacation inside these books, even if Soldier Island and the titular Wuthering Heights aren't exactly the most inviting places on Earth. (Kristian Wilson
Barnes and Noble Teen Blog lists some recent YA Brontë-related books:
I suspect, dear reader, I’m not alone in having developed a soft spot for the Brontës early in my reading life. The suspense, the drama, the yearning—the stories of Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and, sure, Branwell have it all. For those who can’t get enough of the complex, one-of-a-kind heroines of the Brontë imagination, here are some new favorites to scratch the itch:
My Plain Jane, by Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows, and Brodi Ashton; Worlds of Ink and Shadow, by Lena Coakley; The Glass Town Game, by Catherynne M. Valente; The Madwoman Upstairs, by Catherine Lowell and Black Spring, by Alison Croggon. (Nicole Hill)
Traveller visits the Brontë Parsonage Museum and Top Withens:
The hike to the ruins of the Yorkshire farmhouse known as Top Withens is a pilgrimage into a landscape of bleak weather and fierce emotions.
It's a glorious tramp out on the wiley, windy moors, even if you've never read Wuthering Heights. The 12-kilometre circuit loops from the Brontë parsonage on the edge of the pretty village of Haworth to rolling dales covered in blasted heather and cut by icy streams. (...)
We began the walk early one bright clear morning in May. The weather is not wuthering, exactly, but the "pure, bracing ventilation" of the winds were keenly felt, clouds shredding overhead.
Turning away from the Brontes' bleak house, we walked up Cemetery Road to the moor path, where Brontë Walk directions are carved into timber finger posts in English and Japanese.
It was surreal to walk into a landscape that had been made into literature. Like Jane Eyre, "we reached the first stragglers of the battalion of rocks, guarding a sort of pass, beyond which the beck rushed down a waterfall". (...) (Michelle Griffin)
Insider Media tells again the story of the York Mills refurbishing in Mirfield:
Huddersfield-based strategic brand consultancy The Engine Room is currently undertaking a £100,000 refurbishment of a 19th century mill and former piggery for its new headquarters. (...)
Once owned by the Ingham family who employed Anne Brontë as a governess, it is believed that the site also previously housed a textile mill and confectionery warehouse. (Stephen Farrell)
Los Angeles Review of Books on reading romance novels:
Later 18th- and early 19th-century novels by Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Ann Radcliffe, and Jane Austen featured women as their main protagonists in love stories ending in marriage. Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre also serves as an obvious foundational text, especially for romances of the brooding variety. (Cailey Hall)
Romper and the (personal) story of a reader:
I hit tweens and teens and decided it was time to read "the greats." I delved into Shakespeare, Poe, Austen, the Brontë sisters, and Nabakov (sic). (Jamie Kenney)
Reporter News publishes how Hyperemesis Gravidarum now it is believed it could be hereditary:
The famous author Charlotte Brontë, who wrote Jane Eyre, was newly married and pregnant at 38 when she died of HG in 1855. A friend wrote that “a wren would have starved on what she ate during those last six weeks.” (Drs. Norbert Herzog and David Niesel)
Goins, Writer on why where you live affects your writing:
This, too, is a strategy. Because for every Hemingway in Paris, there’s a Brontë in Haworth. Haworth, England was a small rural town where the Brontë family made their home. The daughters of a clergyman, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne grew up without much exposure to the outside world. To pass the time and to amuse themselves, they would tell stories to each other.
One day, one of the older sisters Charlotte found some poetry written by Emily, which caused the older sister to share that she, too, had been writing. Before long, it was clear that all three siblings were closet writers, and thus began a literary collaboration that would last a lifetime.
The Brontë sisters would go on to write some of the most influential works of literature in the English language, and it all began in a small village, far from the reaches of civilization. These young women didn’t have to leave home to find their scene. In fact, some of them did leave only to return to Haworth because that was where they did their best work.
Sometimes, the community we need is closer than we realize. (Jeff Goins)
RTVE (Spain) talks about the Spanish edition of Victorian Ghost Stories by Eminent Women Writers,
Las 'Damas oscuras' que nos acercan a los cuentos de fantasmas victorianos
Una antología de escritoras victorianas recupera 22 relatos de horror muy de moda en el siglo XIX
Entre las autoras destaca Charlotte Brönte (sic) pero también otras novelistas desconocidas que retratan una época. (...)
El narrador suele ser omnipresente, el principal ingrediente es el miedo y no es frecuente la violencia física pero sí la tensión psicológica. Entre los cuentos destaca por su rareza Napoleón y el espectro de Charlotte Brontë, ya que se desconocía la inmersión en el terror de la autora de Jane Eyre; otro de los relatos singulares es la fantasmagórica Cecilia de Nöel de la escritora autodidacta Lanoe Falconer. (Ana Belén García Flores) (Translation)
Wyborcza (Poland) recommends the Polish edition of Jane, le renard et moi: Jane, Lis & Ja,
Jane, lis i ja. Isabelle Arsenault (rysunki) Fanny Brit (scenariusz) Kultura Gniewu, Warszawa Wiek: 7+. Wspaniały (!!!) kanadyjski komiks, wyrafinowany graficznie pięknie i z taktem opisujący uczucia dziewczynki outsiderki. Jeszcze przed chwilą Helene miała grono rozpaplanych przyjaciółek. Ale oto, bez powodu, wyrokiem pyskatej Genevieve została okrzyknięta wyrzutkiem. Okrutne docinki dotyczące rzekomej nadwagi, złośliwości wypisywane na ścianach szkolnej toalety – wszystko to boleśnie rani Helenę. Jedyną pociechą jest jej lektura „Dziwnych losów Jane Eyre” Charlotte Brontë. Odtrącona dziewczynka utożsamia się z Jane – krzywdzoną sierotą, która wyrosła na piękną mądrą kobietę. Szkoła organizuje letni obóz językowy. Helene wie że pobyt pod namiotami będzie dla niej wyrafinowaną torturą. I rzeczywiście – trafia do namiotu podobnych sobie „spadów” towarzyskich. Pewnego dnia odwiedza ją mały, ufny lis. Ale i ta czarodziejska wizyta okazuje fałszywą obietnicą.  (Joanna Olech) (Translation)
Also in Poland, Onet recommends Jane Eyre 2011:
Oparta na powieści Charlotte Brontë historia Jane Eyre, przechodzącej z rąk do rąk sieroty, która po ośmiu latach w zakładzie Lowood postanawia znaleźć posadę guwernantki. Zatrudnia się u pociągającego, ale niebezpiecznego pana Edwarda Fairfaxa Rochestera. Adaptację z 2011 roku warto obejrzeć przede wszystkim ze względu na znakomitą obsadę: Mię Wasikowską i Michaela Fassbendera. (Anna Bartnikiewicz) (Translation)
Sør Trøndelag (Norway) interviews the author Oda Karoline Vaage who says Jane Eyre is one of her favourite novels. Quicomo (Italy) reviews the theatre play MoranteMoravia:
Anna Folli sabato 1 settembre a Zelbio Cult | MoranteMoravia, una storia d'amore e di libri Eventi a Como
La storia della Morante e di Moravia richiama - almeno per il titolo - "Cime tempestose": lei si innamorò di lui appena lo vide, in quel modo privo di quiete che ha segnato tutta la sua vita e il suo genio letterario.“ (Maurizio Pratelli) (Translation)
With Compliments. Geoffrey Gibson posts about Wuthering Heights.  Oren Raab posts about Jane Eyre on Medium's Sixty Books:
Now, there are novels which have exceeded their status as novels by now. Jane Eyre is more than a novel at this point, in the same sense that a circle is much more than a work of art.


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