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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Telegraph & Argus announces the winners of the Wharfedale Festival of Theatre Awards:
Leeds West Academy with its distinguished history of performing arts teaching was the venue on Saturday for the Wharfedale Festival of Theatre’s annual Awards Evening.
Well over 200 guests enjoyed a buffet before gathering in the 280-seater theatre to learn who had been awarded this year’s West Yorkshire amateur theatre’s equivalent of the Oscars. (...)
[T]he Keighley Playhouse trophy for the Best Costumed production was fitting recognition for their own beautifully costumed production of the classic Emily Brontë story Wuthering Heights. (Jim Seton)
Geeks of Doom reviews Alexa Donne's Brightly Burning:
This new version does not follow Jane Eyre exactly, but rather is inspired by it. Unlike its predecessor, Brightly Burning skips over the main character’s early years and begins her journey as she leaves her home to begin a better life and new occupation. But like Jane, Stella too is an orphan whose aunt despises her and casts her out, leaving her to suffer the indignities of society’s class system, but she never whines or complains about it. Also like Jane, Stella finds herself in an awkward and complicated relationship with her mysterious employer and is witness to repeated bizarre incidences in her new residence, all of which are either ignored or hastily explained away by the other inhabitants. The original novel was a gothic romance, with its elements of mystery and tragedy intertwined with the love story and highly intense emotional moments. This futuristic version is similar in that it also isn’t a traditional romance, yet it’s not a modern-day angsty teen jaunt either. Instead, the book centers on the heroine’s circumstances, struggles, and personal growth, with romantic love almost a secondary aspect, and that has all to do with the strength of the main character.
Because I’m well-versed in the source material, I was consistently delighted whenever another Jane Eyre reference or scenario popped up, and I felt that the author successfully translated this 19th century Victorian classic into the future. But even if you’re not familiar with the original book, you won’t be lost at all following Stella on her obit around Earth’s moon and back, and you’ll have a new heroine to root for, too. (Empress  Eve)
/Film on a new film version of Little Women:
What makes a story timeless? It’s a loaded question, with infinite answers, but there are certain through-lines when you take a monocled look. The stories that get retold, over and over ad nauseum, are elemental: hero’s journeys, love stories, arch enemies. Easily adaptable, impressionable by nature; no matter how they are told, how closely they adhere to origin, they feel new. Jesus, Hamlet, Jane Eyre. They are fables ripe with possibility. (Lindsey Romain
On today's Times Daily Quiz:
5. Which Jean Rhys novel chronicles the life of Antoinette Cosway, Mr Rochester’s mad first wife?
The Sun interviews Sally Bayley, author of  Girl with Dove:
"It was a very difficult, conflicted time and there are things that happened which are quite horrible," she says quietly. "I don’t like to spell it out but the book I return to time and again as reference is Jane Eyre which is a very violent book. (Kathryn Knight)
Forbes quotes from a report on cloud economy:
Analyst firms have published numerous papers as well. Take for instance, 451 Research’s “Cloud Transformation Journey” report. This is a must-read if you want to find out what happens on the “other side” of cost-savings, data access and governance while your team looks to deliver more business value for your enterprise AND create minimal disruption for end-users. Look for clues you can use at work as you read through 451 Research’s 4 stages of “Cloud Transformation”: Great Expectations, Wuthering Heights, War and Peace, and The Brave New World. (Bruno Aziza)
Radio WPSU interviews the singer Tonina Saputo:
"I love Toni Morrison. I'm trying to read all of her books. I love bell hooks. I like to mix it up – fiction, non-fiction, fiction, non-fiction, some essays. James Baldwin is my biggest, him and Richard Wright are my two males. I rarely read heterosexual males. I've heard enough of their perspectives," Tonina says as she excitedly shares her favorite books, ranging from Twilight to Wuthering Heights. Songs will often be about a character in a book or even a pair of personified blue jeans. (Allison Woodworth)
Focus (Germany) vindicates the director Cary Fukunaga:
Nach seinem vielfach ausgezeichneten Debüt, das durch seinen knallharten Realismus besticht, tauchte Fukunaga aus der Wirklichkeit in das 19. Jahrhundert ab. Ausgewählt hat er „Jane Eyre“ (2011), den bereits mehrfach verfilmten Roman-Klassiker von Charlotte Brontë. (Translation)
By the way, Jane Eyre 2011 is described as 'magnifique' in Le Bleu du Miroir.

Emily Brontë as suffering from insomnia in Politiken (Denmark); Expreso (Perú) talks about Georges Bataille and mentions his essay on Emily Brontë in La Littérature et le Mal.

Finally, don't miss the latest Bonnets at Dawn episode:
Hey, hey! Hannah listened to the latest BBC radio adaptation of Wuthering Heights, so now we can properly talk Heathcliff! We also interview Judith Pascoe, writer of On The Bullet Train with Emily Brontë, and discuss the popularity of Wuthering Heights in Japan.


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