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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 10:48 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Several film reviews mention the Brontës today. The Harvard Crimson finds Mary Shelley 'disappointing and reductive' but reminds readers of the fact that,
It is rare that writers produce their best known works at a young age, but part of Mary Shelley’s fame lies in the fact that she created one of the most famous characters of all time at the tender age of 18. Unlike many renown British female writers who were childless, like Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters, Shelley was a mother. “Frankenstein” was written between her second and third pregnancies, after the death of her first two babies. (Aline G. Damas)
Radio Colonna (Italy) reviews A Quiet Passion.
Insieme a Cynthia Nixon, il cast può contare su una serie di ottimi comprimari, in primis Jennifer Ehle che qui interpreta la sorella piccola Vinnie, un duo che ricorda le Brontë o Jane e Cassandra Austen. [...]
A Quiet Passion deve molto alla letteratura inglese, Emily Dickinson amava leggere le sorelle Brontë e George Sand e Terence Davies stesso ha inserito la poetessa nel suo cinema [.] (Chiara Laganà) (Translation)
And Benzine (Italy) reviews Une question privée.
Le brouillard de Emily Brontë emplit tout le film, lui donnant un caractère fantastique, à l’image des partisans couverts de boue, présences spectrales sortant de la brume. (Denis Zorgniotti) (Translation)
Todo Literatura (Spain) reviews Zoé Valdés's new book La salvaje inocencia.
En la novela hay una retórica femenina de lo erótico que puede resultar tan empalagosa y aburrida como el onanismo.  Y hasta Ana de Noailles cayó en eso. Pero, claro, también hay una Santa Teresa, una Mariana Aljofarado, unas hermanas Brontë, una Virginia (Joaquín Álvarez-Coque) (Translation)
Woolf o esa poeta tremenda alemana que se llama Ingeborg y cuyo apellido ahora se me esfuma, y es entonces cuando la cosa se pone grave y hay que oír esas voces,  porque son las voces de la tierra madre, de Deméter, de Perséfone, de los grandes misterios y no hay hombre que haya siquiera alcanzado a tocar el cielo por el que ellas navegan como unas locas despeinadas, vociferantes y certeras.
Brontë Babe Blog posts about Alexa Donne’s Brightly Burning. On Facebook, the Brontë Parsonage Museum shared pictures of Aled Jones and the Songs of Praise, who were filming an episode to be screened next month. And also an alert from the Brontë Parsonage Museum:


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