Stuff You Missed in History Class Classics' latest podcast is devoted to the Brontës:
This classic revisits the Brontë sisters. They're considered some of the best writers of the 19th century but their past may surprise you. Join Sarah and Deblina as they discuss the sisters' childhood tragedies, unconventional educations and their imaginary worlds.
The Sunday Times reviews
Girl with Dove: A Life Built by Books by Sally Bayley:
When she discovers Agatha Christie she reads every book she can lay her hands on. She writes about Miss Marple. She dreams about Miss Marple. Miss Marple’s voice becomes an important voice in this book. And then, at 10, Sally meets Jane Eyre: not just as a character on a page, but “as a small pale face staring right at me”. When she has Jane Eyre pretty much off by heart, she reads David Copperfield, and Peggotty — “a mix of my grandmother and Mary the maid from The Murder at the Vicarage” — and Betsey Trotwood join Jane Eyre and Miss Marple as central figures in her world. (Christina Patterson)
Also in
The Times, Katherine Forster traces a profile of the author:
She devoured Jane Eyre and all of Agatha Christie before she was 10. Her favourite characters — Eyre, Miss Marple and Betsey Trotwood from David Copperfield — became trusted friends and, in many ways, her surrogate family.
Horseplay in
Madisonville The Messenger:
Literary treatments abound (pun intended), and one list presents around 130 named horses in prose and poem. George Eliot's "Middlemarch," Gustav Flaubert's "Madam Bovary," and Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre" are important Victorian era novels that each have characters who differently handle riding crops, tools used to direct the attentions of their horses. (Scott Vander Ploeg)
The York Press announces the Little Ouseburn Open Gardens 2018 today from 10:00am to 5:00pm:
Little Ouseburn Open Gardens is a true communal event with everybody taking part. Proceeds are divided equally between the Village Church and the Village Hall. We plan to have about 10 gardens open for the public; they very in size, some which are new to being open and range from traditional to contemporary in design and all lovingly tended.
Little Ouseburn is a small North Yorkshire village lying about 12 miles North West of York. The village centre is a conservation area and the 12th Century Church is a Grade I listed building. The Thompson Mausoleum, associated with Anne Brontë and now in the care of York Conservation Trust will be open for visitors on the Open Day.
Another alert at the Salone del Libro di Torino 2018:
Amori senza Fine: Rivisitare I Clasici
Incontro con Beatrice Mariani, autrice di Una ragazza Inglese
domenica 13 maggio, ore 10:30
Spazio Eventi a cura di Sperling & Kupfer
Maria Luisa Agnese
Beatrice Mariani
Una storia d’amore appassionante e struggente che omaggia e affonda le sue radici in uno dei classici più amati della letteratura, Jane Eyre di Charlotte Brontë. (Via Libreriamo)
Il Manifesto (Italy) reviews
À la recherche de Marie (1943) by Madeleine Bourdouxhe:
Che i romanzi centrati su personaggi femminili siano quasi sempre romanzi d’amore è un dato innegabile. Ma, come si sa, al di là delle eterne banalità dell’inestinguibile filone rosa, il tema può prendere le declinazioni più varie: dalle Lettere di una monaca portoghese attribuite a Guilleragues fino a Passione semplice di Annie Ernaux, passando per Jane Eyre o Anna Karenina, sono pressoché infiniti gli esempi che possono dimostrarlo. (Clotilde Bertoni) (Translation)
The Italian reality talent show Amici 17 had some sort of choreography with the music of
Wuthering Heights, Il Sussidiario reports.
No Strings Attached posts about
Wuthering Heights.
My Jane Eyre explores a classic Penguin edition of
Jane Eyre.
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