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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Telegraph and Argus has an article on how Thornton is planning on celebrating Emily Brontë's birthday.
Thornton is preparing to mark the 200th anniversary of one of its most famous residents with an exhibition inspired by her legacy.
Local artists, including primary school pupils, are preparing the Of Real Worlds exhibition at the village’s South Square Gallery, an exhibition that will be based on the life and work of Emily Brontë.
The Wuthering Heights author was born in a house on Market Street on July 30 1818, and to mark the anniversary there are a series of events planned throughout the district.
South Square, just a few minutes walk from the Brontë Birthplace, will be holding a “birthday party” for the author on June 1, which will be followed by a two month exhibition and creative workshops at the gallery.
As well as local artists, pupils from the village have been preparing pieces for the exhibition - highlighting the impact Emily continues to have on young generations.
The gallery has been working with Thornton-based artist Lucy Barker and local schools to explore Emily Brontë’s literary works, with pupils learning about the history of Emily’s family.
Students at Thornton Primary School have been busy creating stop motion animation pieces based on the lives of Emily and her sisters.
Working with Mrs Barker and Alice Withers from South Square, the pupils created their own miniature models of the Brontë family, and have been using technology like iPads to create their own films to re-tell their history.
And in the coming weeks Years 8 and 9 pupils at Beckfoot Thornton will be creating collages out of Emily’s poetry and writings.
Their work will be unveiled at the party, on Friday June 1, 6-10pm, which will feature live music, cocktails, art exhibitions, activities, DJ’s, a “Wuthering Heights participatory dance challenge” and techno soundscapes.
Adrena Adrena will be backing up their artistic spherical projections with live drumming while Becky Marshall will be performing a techno soundscape inspired Emily’s works.
And dance artist Daliah Touré will be taking part in a participatory dance performance inspired by the Kate Bush song Wuthering Heights.
Following the birthday party, the exhibition will run until July 27.
The event is just one of the Brontë 200 celebrations to mark the anniversary of Emily’s birth.
Over Emily’s “birthday weekend” the Brontë Society is holding a number of events, workshops and performances in Haworth. There will also be the launch of I Am Heathcliff - a collection of short stories inspired by Wuthering Heights and commissioned for the bicentenary year. (Chris Young)
The American Booksellers' Association shares a list of the 'Summer 2018 Kids’ Indie Next Great Reads', which includes
My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows
(HarperTeen, 9780062652775, $17.99, available June)
“A stunningly imagined version of pre-Victorian England, complete with charming ghosts, combines with timeless, laugh-out-loud humor in this retelling of Jane Eyre. This book is a breath of fresh air in the teen genre, with strong heroines, an irresistible yet complex plot, a light smattering of romance, and a gleeful—yet tasteful—abandonment of the fourth wall. I would recommend this book to anyone who is tired of predictable plot twists, cliffhangers, and endings and is looking for a rollicking adventure through a quasi-historically accurate rendition of Jane Eyre’s England (with ghosts added, of course).”
Annika Pfister, Petunia’s Place Bookstore, Fresno, CA
The New York Times interviews John Tiffany, who directed Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on stage and who's a fan of both Kate Bush and Wuthering Heights.
It’s set in Yorkshire and I grew up in Huddersfield, which is a town in Yorkshire. Very rural, very kind of beautiful and bleak. There’s something about the landscape manifest in those two characters, Cathy and Heathcliff, that just makes me kind of ache for home whenever I think about it. That book has buried itself inside of me. I know it’s not perfect in the way that something like “Pride and Prejudice” is, but it gnaws at me even more because of that.
Weirdly, the thing that made me read the book was Kate Bush’s song “Wuthering Heights.” I was 15 going on 16 and wildly romantic when I read it, and I think because of “Wuthering Heights,” I still am. When I sold my flat in Glasgow, I bought a little cottage on the North Yorkshire coast. Whenever we go up from London to stay there, I’m just like, “I’m home! I’m home in Brontë-land!” (Alexis Soloski)
The Guardian reviews Mark Ford's latest poetry collection.
The collection’s wonderful title, Enter, Fleeing, is a stage direction that sets the tone for what follows – a running away with himself. He quotes Emily Brontë: “Well we must be for ourselves in the long run.” (Kate Kellaway)
Mujer Hoy (Spain) recommends the new Spanish release of Wuthering Heights.
Si celebrar el bicentenario de Emily Brontë no fuera suficiente excusa para leerla, la editorial Alba ha reeditado ‘Cumbres borrascosas’ en la traducción de Carmen Martín Gaite. Un libro precioso, por dentro y por fuera. Aparte de la novela, solo publicó unos cuantos poemas, también en el catálogo de Alba. ‘Cumbres borrascosas’ es “árida y nudosa como la raíz del brezo’, decía Charlotte Brontë. La obra de Emily es mucho más loca que ‘Jane Eyre’. Hay personajes atormentados, un amor que no es de este mundo, un paisaje inquietante, una trama que no se para en convenciones y una atmósfera pesadillesca única. La autora era una tímida enfermiza. Una tía rara y huraña que se educó con sus cuatro hermanas y su hermano Branwell en una rectoría apartada en los páramos de Yorkshire y que murió a los 30 años. “Tal vez la más extraña historia de amor que se ha escrito”, según William Somerset Maugham, que también decía que es un libro “impactante, apasionado y terrible”. (Rosa Belmonte) (Translation)
El Periódico (Spain) features cartoonist Tom Gauld.
Muchas de sus viñetas contraponen el mundo del libro clásico con su papel en el siglo XXI, como la que imagina cómo se publicitaría 'Guerra y paz' en un periódico digital: "Estos dos hombres se batieron en duelo. ¡Ni te imaginas el resultado!". "La tecnología es una forma interesante de acercarme a la literatura clásica. Así, un videojuego me parece lo contrario de las hermanas Brontë. Y con eso no quiero parecer el típico dibujante de cómic cascarrabias que dice que en su época leyó las obras completas de Dickens y se queja de que hoy los chavales se pasan el día jugando al Candy Crush. Porque, por un lado, no creo que sea cierto, y por otro, porque no me gusta esa actitud cascarrabias. Pero lo utilizo para reírme de lo tontas que pueden ser las nuevas tecnologías y de los viejos cascarrabias". (Anna Abella) (Translation)
My Jane Eyre Library features a couple of Tauchnitz editions of Jane Eyre. Night Thoughts and Artefacts writes in French about Wuthering Heights. Yesterday's Beyond Belief on BBC Radio 4 discussed religion in Jane Eyre from the library of the Brontë Parsonage Museum. Click here to listen to it.


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