
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Sunday, May 06, 2018

Sunday, May 06, 2018 11:34 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Sunday Times lists several homes for sale. Including Eshton Hall:
North Yorkshire £575,000
The Brontës are being revisited — again — with a comic-strip version of Wuthering Heights out, and Kate Bush contributing to a new monument to the sisters up on the “wily windy moors”. Many experts believe Charlotte had use of the 15,000-volume library at Eshton Hall, a grade II* listed 17th-century mansion near Skipton, now converted into flats. A two-bedder where the books were once housed is on the market.
We don't know which experts believe that. But as far as we now the Brontës and the Wilsons, the owners of Eshton Hall, never met. Although Francis Mary Richardson Currer is usually hinted at as one of the possible sources of Charlotte Brontë's nom de plume.

A local book sale is described in Times-Colonist:
Somebody found a signed copy of Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road. Someone else picked up a Frank Mahovlich biography that was signed not only by the author, Frank’s son Ted, but by the Big M, too. A woman clutched a 1914 edition of Jane Eyre as closely as Mr. Rochester held Jane. (Jack Knox)
An Emily Brontë mention in Casper Star Tribune:
Just suppose our blessings, that we often yawn and shrug at, on a quotidian basis, vanished tomorrow. Emily Brontë in Last Lines showcases the fearlessness of unshaken Faith, “No coward soul is mine, No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere: I see heaven’s glories shine, And faith shines equal, arming me from fear.” (Mike Pyatt)
The Telegraph & Argus talks about a stone flag theft from the graveyard at Whitechapel Church in Cleckheaton:
The church, which dates back to 1820, is home to the grave of a member of the Bronte family - Rose Ann Heslip, who was the niece of Patrick Brontë - father of writers Anne, Charlotte and Emily. (Jo Winrow)
The Irish Independent travels through Yeats country:
Head north here to see the poet’s grave at Drumcliff (“Cast a cold eye...”) and, if time permits, take a spin around Mullaghmore for Wuthering Heights-style views of Classiebawn Castle, before detouring inland towards the epic Gleniff Horseshoe and Benwiskin. (Pól Ó Conghaile)
The owner of a bookshop in Guyane, in France Info:
Très vite, elle revient, sourit, parle beaucoup, elle a tant de choses à raconter. Elle ressemble à une héroïne d’un roman des sœurs Brontë avec son apparence diaphane et délicate. Ce n’est qu’une illusion car au fur et à mesure que la conversation s’anime et qu’elle évoque sa passion des livres, son apparente fragilité se transforme en force. Une combattante. (Marie-Claude Thébia) (Translation)
Burn Book (Brazil) reviews the ebook Assim como és by Naiara Aimee:
Adorei que as inspirações da autora são dos clássicos, como Jane Austen e as Irmãs Brontë porque eu amo romances de época e sou apaixonada pelas histórias clássicas. Temos muitos autores nacionais fazendo sucesso agora com livros de época, quando antes só víamos nome como Julia Quinn (que também é uma inspiração de Naiara) e isso me deixa muito contente. (Maria Eduarda) (Translation)
Juventud Rebelde (Cuba) publishes an excerpt of the unfinished and unpublished last book by Nancy Alonso. In her description of her stay in Ethiopia we discover how they named one of their houses.
Yo temía que el matrimonio etíope se sintiera incómodo entre tantos cubanos. Por eso sugerí su ubicación en la «Casa de las Mujeres», la más tranquila del compound, aunque parezca increíble. La otra mujer del grupo visitante dormiría en «Cumbres Borrascosas», con fama de albergar a los más altivos de la brigada. Los otros dos médicos pernoctarían en la «Casa de los Viudos», y se les pidió a sus solitarios habitantes un esfuerzo para poner un poco de orden en el lugar. Al chofer del vehículo lo ubicamos en la «Primera Casa», la más cercana a donde se quedaría el jeep. La «Casa de las Hienas», la más alejada y asediada noche a noche por esos animales, se transformaría en comedor, y la fiesta sería en «Cumbres Cochambrosas», la más alegre y escandalosa de todas las casas. (Translation)
Jane Eyre 2011 is on Rai3 (Italy) tonight (15.30h) (via Il Sussidiario). A page of Jenniely reviews Brightly Burning. The Brontë Society Facebook wall commemorates the anniversary of Maria Brontë's death in 1825.


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