
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Friday, April 06, 2018

Keighley News reports that.
A new website has been launched which enables people to explore the district’s rich film history – and even take a tour of locations.
The Bradford Film Heritage site acts as a guide to the area’s historic associations with top movies.
It also spotlights leading TV productions which have used buildings and sites across the district.
The Keighley area has figured strongly for years on the radar of film and TV producers and location scouts.
Haworth of course has provided the setting for many Brontë-related productions.
Notable amongst them in recent times was the highly-acclaimed 2016 BBC drama To Walk Invisible, about the three legendary literary sisters and their brother Branwell. (Alistair Shand)
The website is Bradford Film Heritage and you will be surprised to see how many films have actually been shot (fully or partially) in the area. To name but a few Brontë-related, there's the first Wuthering Heights, Wuthering Heights 1970, Wuthering Heights 1992, Wuthering Heights 2009 and of course To Walk Invisble.

The Huffington Post (Germany) suggests a trip to Haworth to celebrate Emily Brontë's bicentenary.
Das schaurig schöne Hochmoor in West-Yorkshire inspirierte Emily Brontë zu ihrem gewaltigen Meisterwerk “Wuthering Heights”, dessen Handlung ebenso stürmisch wie die Landschaft ist. Haworth feiert dieses Jahr den 200. Geburtstag der Autorin.
Schwarze Wolken jagen wie eine Geisterflotte über den Himmel. Heftiger Regen prasselt unablässig herab, der Wind pfeift und peitscht mir das kalte Nass ins Gesicht. Besser könnte das Wetter im nordenglischen Haworth nicht sein. Es lässt mich eintauchen in die Welt von Wuthering Heights (Sturmhöhe), dem einzigen Roman von Emily Brontë, die in dem kleinen Ort in West-Yorkshire zu Hause war. Die Handlung spielt im windgepeitschten Hochmoor, auf dem Gutshof Wuthering Heights. Hauptakteure sind der Außenseiter Heathcliff, einer der faszinierendsten Unholde der Weltliteratur und Cathy, deren Familie ihn als Findelkind aufnahm. Liebende und Seelenverwandte, die weder mit- noch ohne einander sein können. Die düstere, komplexe Geschichte über glühende Leidenschaft und Liebe, Eifersucht, Hass, Verrat, Rachsucht und Zerstörung zieht sich über zwei Generationen hin. Selbst der Tod gebietet keinen Einhalt. In der sturmzersausten Welt rings um den Gutshof tobt ein Orkan aus kaum zu bändigenden Emotionen. (Cornelia Lohs) (Translation)
Vox reviews Meg Wolitzer's novel The Female Persuasion:
Our two central women are Greer Kadetsky and Faith Frank, overachieving fourth-waver and aging second-wave icon, respectively, and their vexed, intimate relationship forms the heart of the novel. [...]
Greer does have political convictions. She was genuinely shaken by the frat boy who assaulted her, and genuinely wants to make the world a better place for women. But Greer is a striving Becky Sharp who thinks of herself as a principled Jane Eyre: Her political ideals aren’t quite as central to her identity as she would like them to be, not nearly as central her ambition. Feminism offers Greer an outlet for her ambitions, and moreover, it satisfies her desire to be close to Faith and her enormous presence, to find a new mother after her birth mother proved herself less than satisfactory. (Constance Grady)
The Writing Cooperative seeks to dispel '3 myths that will keep you from becoming a better writer'.
Myth #1: I can’t read something in my same genre while writing
Why not? Are you devoid of plot ideas and worried you’ll steal another author’s story line? I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it is rare that an author steals someone’s plot.
However, authors use the concept of stories like Cinderella, and the novels of Jane Austen, and mix them up until they have something original. I’ve actually read a version of Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë, where her terrible Aunt Reed and horrid cousins were vampires. Yes, it was so bad I had to finish it. It was kind of like people slowing down to see a car accident. (Susan L Stewart)
Country & Town House interviews actress Annabel Scholey.
Which book would you take and song would you listen to on your desert island? My song would be Moon River. My husband’s sister is a cellist and she played it at our wedding. It makes me think about the bigger picture and the people you love. The I would take the Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. It’s based on the mad woman in the attic by Jane Eyre and is emotional and visceral. I played the protagonist in a play once.
Catalunya Diari (in Catalan) has selected the 76 most inspiring feminist quotes, including "I am no bird and no net ensnares me" from Jane Eyre. Indeed, Hannah Fielding has a post on the 'enduring wisdom of Jane Eyre'. Braintree & Witham Times presents the local performances of the Jane Eyre. An Autobiograpy tourSororiTea Sisters reviews the Jane Eyre tea from First Edition Tea Co.Thanks to the Brontë Parsonage Museum, we can now listen to a talk on Heathcliff.


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