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Monday, March 05, 2018

Monday, March 05, 2018 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
Some newly published Brontë research:
A walk with Catherine and Jane : the exposure of gothic conventions in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
Caroline Navarrina de Moura
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Instituto de Letras. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, 2017

This thesis consists of a reading of Emily Brontë‘s Wuthering Heights (1847) and Charlotte Brontë‘s, Jane Eyre (1847), focusing on the body of Gothic conventions they hold, and the ways in which such conventions interfere with the movements of the two female protagonists, Catherine and Jane, each struggling to fit into their space, while trying to accomplish their desires. Although the two works are structurally different in several ways, they share an intense Gothic atmosphere and its consequent psychological density, which influences the mental frame of the two protagonists. In order to explore the relations among the structural, social and psychological aspects involved, a reading of the novels has been conducted, focusing on the presence of Gothic elements that stand for the challenges Catherine and Jane are bound to face. Literary critic Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick‘s work The Coherence of Gothic Conventions (1986) is used to identify and contextualise the capacity of Gothic imagery to reveal the weight of social conventions upon the natural process of growth of the two protagonists. Inasmuch as the pressure becomes intensified by the rules of gender settlements, the concept of Female Gothic is explored, as presented by Professor Carol Margaret Davison. Particular attention is paid to the imagery related to space – psychological space for the protagonists to grow emotionally, and physical space, as determinant of where and how they must move. Here the theoretical support is offered by Gaston Bachelard‘s poetics of the primitive elements, unveiling the body of images presented in the two novels. The conclusion indicates the solutions found by Catherine Earnshaw and by Jane Eyre to find their way and overcome the obstacles they meet; with comments on how revealing Gothic imagery is of the social conventions it represents.
The Effeminized Hero or Authorial Projection: Charlotte Brontë’s The Professor
Mahameed Mohammed
English Language and Literature Studies, Vol 8, No 1 (2018)

Charlotte Brontë in most of her novels, as suggested by Gilbert and Guber, in The Mad Woman in the Attic (1979), has worked out a vision of an indeterminate, usually female figure (who has often come “from the kitchen or some such place”) trapped—even buried—in the architecture of a patriarchal society and imagining, dreaming or actually devising escape routes, roads past walls, lawns, antlers, to the glittering world outside. Like Charlotte Bronte, many nineteenth century women almost wrote in “a state of “trance”, about their feelings of enclosure in “feminine” roles and patriarchal households. And wrote, too, about their passionate desire to flee such roles or houses”.
Pictures of Life in Fiction and Real Life – Charlotte Brontë, Anne Tyler & Karen Kingsbury and Some Indian Real-Life Stories
Mrs. Jeba Regis P. J., M.A., M.Phil., CELTA, Ph.D. Research Scholar
Language in India,Vol. 18:2 February 2018

What is the difference between the story of lives in the world of fiction and real life? It is indeed a perspective worth analyzing -- the study of characters in fiction and in real life. People acquire a change of path through a particular event or some such impact or phenomenon. This possibility is seen to be stronger when Faith is involved.


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